View in Other Languages 2011年9月9日亚洲活动报告:HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX)将在中国开始卵巢癌诊断研究 2011年9月9日亞洲活動報告:HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX)將在中國開始卵巢癌診斷研究 Asian Activities Report for September 9, 2011: HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX) to Commence Ovarian Cancer Diagnostic Study in China アジア市場活動レポート 2011年9月9日:ヘルスリンクス (HealthLinx Limited) (ASX:HTX) が中国での卵巣癌診断法研究を開始予定 2011년 9월9일 아시아 현장보고서: HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX), 중국에서 난소암 진단 연구 착수 
Asian Activities Report for September 9, 2011: HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX) to Commence Ovarian Cancer Diagnostic Study in China
Asian Activities Report for September 9, 2011: HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX) to Commence Ovarian Cancer Diagnostic Study in China

Sydney, Sep 9, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - HealthLinx Limited (googlechartASX:HTX) has executed research agreements with CytogenDx Co., Ltd of China to begin a 350 patient academic study as the first step to launch the OvPlex(TM) ovarian cancer diagnostic in China. The study is aimed to validate OvPlex(TM) in the Chinese population. Upon a successful result the parties will work together to have OvPlex(TM) registered for sales in China. In 2011, HealthLinx has achieved successful sales of OvPlex(TM) in Singapore and its ongoing patient study is South Korea is making excellent progress. The Company plans to launch OvPlex(TM) in other south east Asian countries.

Amex Resources Limited (googlechartASX:AXZ) today provided an update on the Company's recent advancements towards development and production of magnetite concentrate from its 100% owned MBa Delta Ironsands Project in Fiji. The Company has lodged a Mining Lease application over an area with 220 million tonne Indicated Resource and has obtained governmental consents to complete execution of the Lautoka Port facility lease option. In addition, the Company continues to advance off-take discussions in China, conducting meetings with steel mill companies in China.

Orocobre Limited (googlechartASX:ORE) has received approval to drill exploratory wells on its Cauchari Project in Argentina. The drilling program will test potential high grade orebody and allow a resource estimate to be undertaken. The Company is looking forward to moving quickly to drill its exploration targets.

Coalbank Limited (googlechartASX:CBQ) has engaged an independent technical expert to review its metals projects portfolio. New copper discovery has been confirmed from October 2010 drilling program at Chillagoe Project in North Queensland, with significant intersections of copper mineralisation identified in assays from six holes. Positive preliminary feedback has been received from technical review process.


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