Amex Resources Limited
Amex commenced its tenement acquisitions in July 2006 with the primary objective of finding and developing significant ore bodies capable of generating long term cash flow. The company currently has ownership of 9 mineral exploration Projects covering 4 regions within Western Australia. Six of the Tenements are located within the highly prospective Archaean Norseman – Wiluna greenstone belt of the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia, which hosts many world class gold and nickel deposits. The remaining Tenements are located within the Pilbara and Peak Hill mineral fields of Western Australia, Nother Western Australian Projects and the Eastern Goldfields province.

2011年9月9日亚洲活动报告:HealthLinx Limited (ASX:HTX)将开始一项350名患者的学术研究,这是启动在中国的OvPlex(TM)卵巢癌研究的第一步;Amex Resources Limited (ASX:AXZ)今天提供了该公司的全资项目——斐济MBa Delta铁矿砂项目的最新进展情况;Orocobre Limited (ASX:ORE)已获准在其阿根廷Cauchari项目钻几口勘探井;Coalbank Limited (ASX:CBQ)已聘请独立技术专家审查其几个金属项目。
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