View in Other Languages 2011年2月8日澳洲股市:Robust Resources (ASX:ROL)在印尼发现高品位金银及硫矿化 Rapport du marché australien en date du 8 février 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) découvre une minéralisation à haute teneur en or, argent et sulfure en Indonésie. Australian Market Report of February 8, 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Discover High Grade Gold, Silver And Sulphide Mineralisation in Indonesia Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 8 de Fevereiro de 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Descobre Ouro de Alta Qualidade, Prata e Mineralização de Sulfetos na Indonésia Laporan Pasar Australia 8 Februari 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Menemukan Mineralisasi Emas, Perak dan Sulfida Bermutu Tinggi di Indonesia Reporte del Mercado Australiano del 8 de febrero de 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Descubrió Mineralización de Oro, Plata y Sulfuro de Alto Grado en Indonesia 2011년 2월8일 호주 시장보고서: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL), 인도네시아에서 고 등급의 금, 은 및 황화 광물 발견 2011年2月8日澳洲股市:Robust Resources (ASX:ROL)在印尼發現高品位金銀及硫礦化 Australischer Marktbericht, 8. Februar 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) entdeckt hochgradige Gold-, Silber- und Sulfid-Mineralisierung in Indonesien オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年2月8日: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) がインドネシアにおいて高グレード金・銀・硫化物鉱化を発見 รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลีย วันที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011: โรบัสท์ รีซอร์สเซส (ASX:ROL) พบสายแร่คุณภาพสูงของทองคำ เงิน และซัลไฟด์ ในอินโดนีเซีย تقرير السوق الاسترالية 8 شباط/فبراير، 2011: اكتشفت شركة Robust Resources ASX:ROL خامات للذهب والفضة وخامات كبريتية بنسب عالية في اندونيسيا. 
Australian Market Report of February 8, 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Discover High Grade Gold, Silver And Sulphide Mineralisation in Indonesia
Australian Market Report of February 8, 2011: Robust Resources (ASX:ROL) Discover High Grade Gold, Silver And Sulphide Mineralisation in Indonesia

Sydney, Feb 8, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Robust Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ROL) has intersected near-surface high grade gold, silver and sulphide mineralisation at its Flagship Lakuwahi Project on Romang Island, East Indonesia. Previously drilled mineralisation has been extended, returning best results including 43 m at 5.18 g/t Au and 76m at 1.47% Cu. The Company has strong cash position of over A$30 Million and will further advance exploration and move towards maiden resource estimation.

Pharmaxis Limited (googlechartASX:PXS) said today that the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration has approved the Company's Bronchitol for marketing in Australia for the treatment of cystic fibrosis in both adult and paediatric patients aged over six years. This is the first approval for Bronchitol anywhere in the world. The company will also fast track the application process for marketing Bronchitol in the US and Europe.

St George Mining Limited (googlechartASX:SGQ) announced the results from infill sampling of the newly discovered Balmoral Prospect at its 100% owned East Laverton Property in Western Australia. Three prominent gold targets within the broader gold system have been confirmed. The Company will further test these new targets as priority targets for ongoing drilling programme.

Jatoil Limited (googlechartASX:JAT) has confirmed its dual coal and biofuels energy growth strategy after signed a binding agreement to acquire four coal exploration permits and permit applications in the Galilee Basin in central Queensland. This is the second coal acquisition following its proposed acquisition of two coal assets in Indonesia last year. The Company also hit a production milestone of 200 tonnes of crude jatropha oil last week, all of which will be sold to commercial airlines for biojet aviation fuel.


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