View in Other Languages Australian Market Report of September 6, 2010: Lynas (ASX:LYC) Increases Resource Estimate for Rare Earth Deposit 2010年9月6日澳洲股市:Lynas (ASX:LYC)提高稀土矿资源估算量 Laporan Pasar Australia 6 September, 2010: Lynas (ASX:LYC) Memperkiraan kenaikan jumlah Cadangan Tmabang Langka Reporte de Mercado Australiano, 6 de Septiembre de 2010: Lynas (ASX:LYC) Aumentan los recursos estimados para depósitos de Metales Raros de la Tierra. オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年9月6日: Lynas (ASX:LYC) がレアアース鉱床に対する資源推定を増加 Marktbericht Australien, 06.10.2001: Lynas (ASX:LYC) erhöht die Ressourcenschätzung für Seltenerd-Vorkommen 2010.09.06 호주 시장보고서: Lynas (ASX:LYC), 희토류 침전물을 위한 광물 자원 견적의 상당한 증가 2010年9月6日澳洲股市:Lynas (ASX:LYC)提高稀土礦資源估算量 
Australian Market Report of September 6, 2010: Lynas Corporation Limited (ASX:LYC) Increase in Resource Estimate for Deposit With Elevated Heavy Rare Earths
Australian Market Report of September 6, 2010: Lynas Corporation Limited (ASX:LYC) Increase in Resource Estimate for Deposit With Elevated Heavy Rare Earths

Sydney, Sep 6, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Lynas Corporation Limited (googlechartASX:LYC) (OTCQX:LYSDY) announced a significant increase in the Mineral Resource estimate for the deposit with elevated heavy Rare Earths oxides. Previously known as the Southern Zone, this second deposit at Mount Weld has extended in terms of area and Resource and has been renamed the Duncan Deposit, in recognition of Mr Robert Duncan. Mr Duncan, the exploration geologist who first drilled Mount Weld in the 1970's, has held a passion for this resource for 40 years and recently retired from Lynas.

Pike River Coal's (googlechartNZE:PRC) (googlechartASX:PRC) second export shipment of approximately 20,000 tonnes of premium hardcoking coal worth around $6 million is scheduled to depart Port of Lyttelton later today for India. Pike River's coal already stockpiled in Lyttelton, ready for loading, and will soon be on its way to one of Pikes life-of-mine customers, Gujarat NRE (googlechartASX:GNM) (googlechartBOM:512579) who were also the recipients of its first export shipment in February this year.

Southern Uranium Limited (googlechartASX:SNU) has located new high-grade iron outcrops that further advance the iron ore prospects of the company's Jungle Dam project on the Eyre Peninsula of South Australia. New prospecting, detailed magnetic surveying and a revised prospectivity model have upgraded the potential for shallow haematite as Direct Shipping Ore (DSO). Southern Uranium has revised its strategy at Jungle Dam to focus on the potential for higher grade and shallow haematite as DSO. It planned to commence drilling of high priority areas at the earliest opportunity.

Jatoil Limited (googlechartASX:JAT) entered into a Heads of Agreement to acquire significant coal assets in Kalimantan, Indonesia. It is expected that an early-stage coal mining operation would commence within nine months, providing cash flow to assist with the funding of the expansion of Jatoil's oil feedstock operations in South-East Asia and exploration activities on its acquired coal portfolio. Jatoil has agreed, subject to the completion of various conditions precedent including the execution of a Share Purchase Agreement and final due diligence, to acquire 100% of Blackrock Resources Pty Ltd ("Blackrock").


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