St George Mining Limited (ASX:SGQ) has secured exploration projects in two richly mineralised areas of Australia – the North East Goldfields of Western Australia and the Pine Creek mineral field in the Northern Territory. These projects have tremendous potential for major resource discoveries of significant scale.
St George Mining Limited
2011年2月8日澳洲股市報告包括:Robust Resources Limited (ASX:ROL)位於印尼東部Romang島的旗艦項目Lakuwahi已鑽遇近地表的高品位金銀及硫礦化;Pharmaxis Limited (ASX:PXS)接到在澳洲銷售治療囊性纖維化的藥物Bronchitol的批准;St George Mining Limited (ASX:SGQ)宣布西澳新金礦靶區;Jatoil Limited (ASX:JAT) 簽署協議收購昆士蘭煤礦資產。
2010年11月19日澳洲股市報告包括:IMX Resources Limited (ASX:IXR)已與四川泰豐集團和四川地質勘探局簽訂一份戰略合作協議;Coalworks Limited (ASX:CWK)繼續實施在新南威爾士州Ferndale煤礦項目的一期鑽探;Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT)在阿根廷已識別出幾條高品位富銀礦脈;St George Mining Limited (ASX:SGQ)已在西澳開始一項3,600米的反循環鑽探作業。
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