View in Other Languages ABN Newswire注目の株式:2010年1月15日 ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 1월15일 ABN Newswire 股票看点:2010年1月15日 ABN Newswire 股票看點:2010年1月15日 وكالة الأنباء إيه بي إن: متابعة الأسهم في 15 كانون الثاني /يناير ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: January  15, 2010 
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: January 15, 2010
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: January 15, 2010

Sydney, Jan 15, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Focus Minerals Limited (googlechartASX:FML) says it is set to become a 100,000-ounce-a-year-plus gold producer within 12 months after commissioning the Three Mill Hill mill at its rapidly growing Tindals Mining Centre in WA's Eastern Goldfields. As a result, Focus completed its first significant gold pour from Three Mile Hill on Wednesday 13th January, which was refurbished at a cost of A$16.96 million.

Australian Bauxite Limited (googlechartASX:ABZ) has received advice from Queensland Mines and Energy that title in all the Queensland ABx Project Tenements have been transferred from Hudson Resources Limited to ABx3 Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of ABx.

Infill drilling has commenced at Image Resources (googlechartASX:IMA) (googlechartPINK:IMREF) high grade Atlas deposit in the North Perth Basin. The drilling is designed to upgrade the resource to measured status by increasing the drillhole density from 200m by 20m to 100m by 20m. Approximately 400 holes will be drilled, with completion of drilling expected by mid February.

Coalspur Mines Limited (googlechartASX:CPL) (googlechartPINK:CSPZF) is undertaking a significant two phase drilling and coal testing program for both the Hinton East and West properties. The Alberta government has granted approval for the first phase of the program comprising 10 core drill holes which will start in the coming weeks.

FerrAus Limited (googlechartASX:FRS) (googlechartPINK:FRRAF) has announced further exploration success at its East Pilbara exploration project, continuing the flow of high grade Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) results from its Davidson Creek area.


Michelle Liang
Asia Business News Asia Bureau
TEL: +61-2-9247-4344

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