Image Resources NL


Image Resources Ltd ASX:IMAImage Resources NL (ASX:IMA) is a mineral sands focused mining company operating an open-cut mine and ore processing facility at its 100%-owned, high-grade, zircon-rich Boonanarring Project, located 80km north of Perth in the infrastructure rich North Perth Basin.

Boonanarring is arguably one of the highest grade, zircon-rich mineral sands projects in Australia. Construction and project commissioning were completed on-time and on-budget in 2018. Production commenced in December 2018 and HMC production ramped-up to exceed name-plate capacity in only the second month of operation. The Company achieved profitability in Q1 2019 and was cashflow positive in Q2 2019 and is now at steady state production.


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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 4월 9일

🕔4/9/2010 11:00:38 AM 16523

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Marion Energy Limited (ASX:MAE), Texon Petroleum Limited (ASX:TXN), Magnetic Resources (ASX:MAU), Image Resources NL (ASX:IMA) (PINK:IMREF), Pacific Enviromin Limited (ASX:PEV), Krucible Metals Limited (ASX:KRB) and Havilah Resources NL (ASX:HAV)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 1월21일

🕔1/21/2010 11:00:56 AM 21857

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY)(PINK:GALXF), Image Resources NL (ASX:IMA) (PINK:IMREF), Havilah Resources NL (ASX:HAV), Drillsearch Energy Limited (ASX:DLS), Beach Energy Limited (ASX:BPT) (PINK:BEPTF)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2010년 1월15일

🕔1/15/2010 11:00:25 AM 19733

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주는 Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML), Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ), Image Resources (ASX:IMA) (PINK:IMREF), Coalspur Mines Limited (ASX:CPL) (PINK:CSPZF)와 FerrAus Limited (ASX:FRS) (PINK:FRRAF)입니다.

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ABN Newswire 의 관심주: 2009년 12월18일

🕔12/18/2009 11:30:00 AM 17658

오늘 ABN Newswire 의 관심주는: ABN Newswire stocks to watch today include: Image Resources (ASX:IMA)(PINK:IMREF), Carbon Energy Limited (ASX:CNX)(PINK:CNXAF), Kingsrose Mining Limited (ASX:KRM) and Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND)입니다.

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ABN Newswire의 관심주: 2009년 12월15일

🕔12/14/2009 1:29:25 PM 24296

오늘 ABN Newswire의 관심주에는: Image Resources (ASX:IMA)(PINK:IMREF), Mission NewEnergy Limited (ASX:MBT), Atlas Iron Limited (ASX:AGO), Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY)(PINK:GALXF), Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX:ESI), Kairiki Energy Limited (ASX:KIK)(PINK:KAIRF), 과 WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL)이 선정되었다.

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