Australian Bauxite Ltd


Australian Bauxite Ltd ASX:ABXAustralian Bauxite Limited (ABx) (ASX:ABX) has its first bauxite mine in Tasmania & controls the Eastern Australian Bauxite Province. ABx's 11 bauxite tenements in Queensland, New South Wales & Tasmania totalling 662 km2 are all 100% owned, unencumbered & free of third-party royalties. ABx's bauxite is gibbsite trihydrate (THA) bauxite that can be processed into alumina at low temperature.

ABx has committed a large proportion of its expenditure into Research and Development to find ways to capitalise on the main strengths of its bauxite type which is very clean, free of all deleterious elements and partitioned into layers, nodules, particles and grains of different qualities that can be separated into different product streams using physical, chemical and geophysical methods.

ABx has declared large Mineral Resources in northern NSW, southern NSW, Binjour in central QLD & in northern Tasmania.

ABx's first mine commenced at Bald Hill near Campbell Town, Tasmania in December 2014 - the first new Australian bauxite mine for more than 35 years.

ABx aspires to identify large bauxite resources in the Eastern Australian Bauxite Province and has created significant bauxite development projects in 3 states, Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania. Its bauxite deposits are favourably located for direct shipping of bauxite to both local and export customers.

ABx endorses best practices on agricultural land, strives to leave land and environment better than we find it. We only operate where welcomed.



ニュース Multicommodity 展覧会 - Indochine (ASX:IDC) ・ Australian Bauxite (ASX:ABZ) ・ Zamia Metals (ASX:ZGM) - シドニーにおいて 7 月 4 日開催

🕔6/6/2011 10:21:50 AM 17072 Multicommodity 展覧会 - Indochine (ASX:IDC) ・ Australian Bauxite (ASX:ABZ) ・ Zamia Metals (ASX:ZGM) - シドニーにおいて 7 月 4 日開催。 Martin Place Securities の Barry Dawes 氏も参加予定。

記事全文を読む Multicommodity 展覧会 - Indochine (ASX:IDC) ・ Australian Bauxite (ASX:ABZ) ・ Zamia Metals (ASX:ZGM) - シドニーにおいて 7 月 4 日開催

🕔6/6/2011 10:21:50 AM 17072 Multicommodity 展覧会 - Indochine (ASX:IDC) ・ Australian Bauxite (ASX:ABZ) ・ Zamia Metals (ASX:ZGM) - シドニーにおいて 7 月 4 日開催。 Martin Place Securities の Barry Dawes 氏も参加予定。


ABN Newswire注目の株式:2010年3月10日

🕔3/10/2010 11:00:54 AM 20456

ABN Newswire本日注目の株式:Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF), Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ), Benitec Limited (ASX:BLT) (PINK:BNIKF), AusTex Oil Limited (ASX:AOK) (PINK:ATXDF), Bandanna Energy Limited (ASX:BND), WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) and Texon Petroleum Ltd (ASX:TXN)


ABN Newswire注目の株式:2010年2月11日

🕔2/11/2010 11:00:23 AM 19720

ABN Newswire本日注目の株式:Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (PINK:GALXF), Otto Energy Limited (ASX:OEL), Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ), Coalspur Mines Limited (ASX:CPL) (PINK:CSPZF), Havilah Resources NL (ASX:HAV),Fufeng (HKG:0546) (OTC:FFNGY)


ABN Newswire注目の株式:2010年1月15日

🕔1/15/2010 11:00:25 AM 20157

ABN Newswire本日注目の株式:Focus Minerals Limited (ASX:FML), Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ), Image Resources (ASX:IMA) (PINK:IMREF), Coalspur Mines Limited (ASX:CPL) (PINK:CSPZF) and FerrAus Limited (ASX:FRS) (PINK:FRRAF)


ABN Newswire注目の株式:2010年1月14日

🕔1/14/2010 11:00:22 AM 17404

ABN Newswire本日注目の株式:Benitec Limited (ASX:BLT)(PINK:BNIKF), Meteoric Resources NL (ASX:MEI), Magnetic Resources NL (ASX:MAU) and Australian Bauxite Limited (ASX:ABZ)


388,154 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 33) (過去30日間: 161) (発行以降: 38949) 


  • Level 2, Hudson House
    131 Macquarie Street
    Sydney, NSW 2000
  • 電話
  • +61-2-9251-7177 
  • ファックス
  • +61-2-9251-7500 
  • 主要部門
  • 材料 
  • 主要業種
  • 採掘と金属 
  • ホームページ
  • E:


  • 2025/03/21: Change of Director's Interest Notice x 3*
  • 2025/03/21: Notification regarding unquoted securities - ABX*
  • 2025/03/07: Results of Extraordinary General Meeting*
  • 2025/03/06: Outstanding ABx Bauxite Opportunities in Australia*
  • 2025/02/24: Addendum to Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting*
  • 2025/02/11: Withdrawal of EGM Resolutions*
  • 2025/02/11: ALCORE and Core Refining Cancel Licence Agreement*
  • 2025/01/31: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report*
  • 2025/01/24: Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting/Proxy Form*
  • 2025/01/15: ALCORE Secures Pilot Plant Facility Location in Tasmania*
*refer to company website