View in Other Languages Asia Market News - Highlands Pacific Ltd (ASX:HIG) Continues to Exceed Cobalt Production Targets 亚洲市场报告:Highlands Pacific Ltd (ASX:HIG) 继续超额完成钴的产量目标 亞洲市場報告:Highlands Pacific Ltd (ASX:HIG) 繼續超額完成鈷的產量目標 
Continues to Exceed Cobalt Production Targets
Continues to Exceed Cobalt Production Targets

Sydney, July 6, 2017 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Highlands Pacific Ltd (googlechartASX:HIG) which holds an 8.56% interest, is continuing to exceed production targets, achieving record monthly output of 3,068 tonnes of nickel and 292 tonnes of cobalt in May. Highlands Managing Director Craig Lennon said he was delighted with the performance of the Ramu operations.

"We have been involved in the Ramu project since 1992, and it gives us great satisfaction to see it delivering these excellent results, exceeding internal targets and justifying the hard work and capital investment required over many years to bring it into production. The project is indeed a great success story for PNG, and a credit to the efforts of the manager and our joint venture partner, Metallurgical Corporation of China," he said.

Mineral Resources Limited (googlechartASX:MIN) and Neometals Ltd (googlechartASX:NMT) advise that pursuant to the terms of the Offtake Agreement with their partner, Ganfeng Lithium, effective from 1 July 2017 the price payable per dry metric tonne of 6% spodumene concentrate produced at Mt Marion and delivered CFR China (Incoterms 2010) increased from US$750 to US$841.

Ardea Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ARL) is pleased to announce that drill results have been received for the recent diamond drilling program at Goongarrie South. Exceptional results confirm high-grade cobalt and nickel mineralisation and highlight potentially significant occurrences of scandium. Commenting on the latest assay results, Ardea Resources Managing Director, Dr Matt Painter said: "These drilling results are exceptional and confirm Goongarrie South KNP Cobalt Zone to be potentially the premier cobalt-nickel resource in Australia.

An outstanding attribute of Goongarrie South is the homogeneity of mineralisation. In hydrometallurgical processing, a standardised plant feed is a major competitive advantage. We expect an ability to deliver a uniform feed that will be ideally suited to a long-life mining operation.

Kalium Lakes Limited (googlechartASX:KLL) is pleased to announce today that it has signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with EcoMag Limited (EcoMag) to trial the recovery of Hydrated Magnesium Carbonate (HMC) as part of the large scale pilot pond works currently under construction at the Beyondie Sulphate Of Potash Project (BSOPP) in Western Australia.

EcoMag is the developer of a process for recovering magnesium-based materials from brines and bitterns, including HMC, which is used in the manufacture of chemically-toughened glass and fire retardants. It has a current market price of US$800 - $1,000 per tonne.

Ecomag has conducted laboratory scale trials and analysis of a brine sample from the BSOPP which indicate that the material is suitable for its process. The sample, provided from SOP tests completed by K-UTEC in Germany, had a magnesium content of almost 9.5%. Using the patented process, EcoMag achieved.


Ji Li
Asia Bureau
T: +86-15600-583-359
T: +61-2-8205-7348

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