Mineral Resources Limited (ASX:MIN) is an innovative and leading diversified mining services company, with a growing world-class portfolio of the mining operations across multiple commodities, including iron ore and lithium. With a large footprint across Western Australia and the Northern Territory, Mineral Resources provides mining services to clients, operates mine sites in the Pilbara and Yilgarn regions and ships product through Utah Point in the northwest of Australia and Esperance Port in the southwest of Australia.
Mineral Resources Limited
Informe de Mercado Australiano del 29 de octubre de 2010 incluye: Red Hill Iron Limited (ASX:RHI) aumento de 472 millones de toneladas en el recurso estimado en la Empresa Cojunta Red Hill Iron Ore; Alchemy Resources Limited (ASX:ALY) ha comenzado un programa de perforación de oro y de cobre de 15,000m en Australia Occidental; Coventry Resources Limited (ASX:CVY) ha interceptado residuos de mineralización de alto grado en el proyecto de Oro de Cameron; Mineral Resources Limited (ASX:MIN) envió su primer cargamento de mineral de hierro a través Utah Point a China.
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