View in Other Languages 优品保集团有限公司(ASX:YPB) 筹资778万澳元用于收购和增长 YPB Group Ltd (ASX:YPB) Raises $7.78 Million for Acquisition and Growth 優品保集團有限公司(ASX:YPB) 籌資778萬澳元用於收購和增長 
Raises $7.78 Million for Acquisition and Growth
Raises $7.78 Million for Acquisition and Growth

Sydney, Dec 22, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Brand authentication solutions company YPB Group Limited (googlechartASX:YPB) has secured A$7.78 million in funding through a placement to institutional, professional and sophisticated investors at 26 cents per share.


- YPB placement to raise A$7.78 million

- Placement comprises a A$2.78 m placement to professional and sophisticated investors in addition to a A$5 m cornerstone investment

- Funding to secure Motif Micro acquisition and investment for growth

The placement includes a A$5 million investment by Lanstead Capital LP (Lanstead) by way of a placement of 19,230,769 ordinary shares at $0.26 per share, details of which include the following:

- YPB will receive A$750,000 of the investment upfront with the remainder invested in an equity sharing agreement between the two parties. Under the agreement YPB will receive 18 monthly cash settlements for the remaining A$4.25m of the investment by Lanstead Capital. This sharing agreement allows the Company to secure much of the potential upside arising from the anticipated share price performance of YPB.

- The A$4.25m cash component will be determined by the Company's share price based monthly on a Volume weighted average price for 5 trading days prior to each settlement date against a benchmark price of A$0.3467 per share, and if the YPB share price exceeds the benchmark price for that month, YPB will receive more than 100% of the monthly settlement due on a pro rata basis. Importantly, there is no upper limit placed on the additional funds receivable by the Company as part of the monthly settlements. Should the share price be below the benchmark price for that month, YPB will receive less than 100% of the expected monthly settlement on a pro rata basis (so that the total cash received by YPB may exceed or fall below A$4.25 m). In addition, YPB has agreed to make a value payment to Lanstead of 961,538 ordinary shares as consideration for the sharing agreement. The future performance of the YPB share price will not result in any increase to the number of shares issued to Lanstead Capital.

Placement shares are expected to be issued on Thursday 24t h December 2015.

Net proceeds from the raising will be used in part for funding the A$1.39 million initial cash consideration for the acquisition of Motif Micro, as announced on 8 December 2015, as well as for working capital and growth investment.

BW Equities Pty Ltd acted as sole lead manager for the placement with TMT Partners Pty Ltd acting as corporate adviser.

YPB Group's CEO and Executive Chairman John Houston commented: "This capital raising puts the Company in an excellent position to continue the progress of our PROTECT DETECT CONNECT strategy, which continues to gather momentum with recurring revenue, new clients and complementary acquisitions such as Motif Micro. In particular, Lanstead Capital joining as a substantial shareholder shows its commitment to support YPB and our vision. We welcome them as a shareholder and look forward to increasing overall shareholder value together."

The Company's securities will today be released from trading halt upon lodgement of this announcement with the ASX.

To view the release, please visit:

About YPB Group Ltd



Mr. John Houston
YPB Group Limited
T: +61 458 701 088

Mr. Robert Whitton
CFO and Company Secretary
YPB Group Limited
T: +61 457 666 309

Media and Investor Enquiries
Matthew Wright
NWR Communications
T: +61 451 896 420

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