View in Other Languages Asia Equities News 2015-07-08: Origin Energy (ASX:ORG) Solar PV Contract to Service Stream Ltd (ASX:SSM) 亚洲股权新闻 2015-07-08: Origin Energy (ASX:ORG) 完成与 Service Stream Ltd (ASX:SSM) 太阳能合同续约 亞洲股權新聞2015-07-08: Origin Energy (ASX:ORG) 完成與 Service Stream Ltd (ASX:SSM) 太陽能合同續約 

Sydney, July 8, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Australian exploration company and emerging strategic metals producer TNG Ltd (googlechartASX:TNG) announced that the pilot metallurgical testwork program for the refinery of its flagship Mount Peake Vanadium-Titanium-Iron Project in the Northern Territory has been successfully completed, delivering excellent results which have either met or exceeded expectations in all areas. The program has confirmed the ability to achieve commercial vanadium recoveries of 93% and produce high purity vanadium pentoxide at 99% purity.

Leading essential network services company Service Stream Limited (googlechartASX:SSM) advised that it has renewed its solar contract with Origin Energy (googlechartASX:ORG) (googlechartOGFGY:OTCMKTS), Australia's leading integrated energy company. Under the new agreement, Service Stream will continue to partner with Origin for the provision of solar installation and associated field services for a further three years. The value of this agreement is expected to be in the order of $50 million over the 3 year term.

Core Exploration Ltd (googlechartASX:CXO) is targeting the source of a large zinc and lead anomaly in an area over 30 square kilometres in size at Yerelina in South Australia. Managing Director of Core Exploration, Stephen Biggins said the company is very excited by the results of the latest analysis and added that a number of factors are indicative of a substantial mineralising event.

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ABN Newswire
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