View in Other Languages Laporan Pasar Australia 28 Februari 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) Menanda tangani Nota Kesepahaman dengan Perusahaan Teknik dan Pembangunan Cina untuk Proyek Besi-Vanadium Mount Peake. Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 28 de Fevereiro de 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) Assinou Memorando de Entendimento com Empresa de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento Chinesa para o Projeto de Ferro-Vanádio Mount Peak Australischer Marktbericht, 28. Februar 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) unterzeichnet Absichtserklärung mit chinesischem Engineering und Construction Unternehmen für das Mount Peake Eisen-Vanadium Projekt Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 28 de febrero de 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) firma Memorando de Entendimiento con importante Compañía China de Ingeniería y Desarrollo por el Proyecto de Hierro-Vanadio Mount Peake 2011年2月28日澳洲股市:TNG Limited (ASX:TNG)与中国工程开发公司签订Mount Peake铁钒项目谅解备忘录 تقرير السوق الاسترالية 28 شباط/فبراير، 2011: وقعت شركة TNG Limited ASX:TNG مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة صينية هندسية للتطوير للعمل في مشروع Mount Peake لخامات الحديد والفاناديوم. Rapport du marché australien en date du 28 février 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) a signé un protocole d'accord avec une compagnie d'ingénierie et de développement chinoise pour le projet d'exploitation de fer-vanadium de Mount Peake รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลียวันที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011: บริษัท TNG Limited (ASX:TNG)เซ็นสัญญาบันทึกความเข้าใจ (MOU) กับบริษัทจีน Chinese Engineering And Development Company ในโปรเจคแร่เหล็ก Iron-Vanadium ที่ Mount Peake 2011년 2월28일 호주 시장보고서: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG), 중국 엔지니어링 개발업체와 Mount Peake 철/바나듐 프로젝트 MOU 체결 オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年2月28日: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) が Mount Peake 鉄・バナジウムプロジェクトに関し中国のエンジニアリング・開発企業との間で覚書を締結 2011年2月28日澳洲股市:TNG Limited (ASX:TNG)與中國工程開發公司簽訂Mount Peake鐵釩項目諒解備忘錄 Australian Market Report of February 28, 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) Signed Memorandum of Understanding With China For Mount Peake Iron-Vanadium Project 
Australian Market Report of February 28, 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) Signed Memorandum of Understanding With China For Mount Peake Iron-Vanadium Project
Australian Market Report of February 28, 2011: TNG Limited (ASX:TNG) Signed Memorandum of Understanding With China For Mount Peake Iron-Vanadium Project

Sydney, Feb 28, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - TNG Limited (googlechartASX:TNG) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a leading Chinese state-owned engineering, development and construction enterprise to establish a strategic partnership for financing and development of its Mount Peake Iron-Vanadium Project in the Northern Territory. The Chinese company is currently reviewing the Scoping Study and other project information. Subject to a satisfactory review, the two parties will sign potential future agreements regarding the off-take of the iron and vanadium products, project construction and funding.

Territory Uranium Company Limited (googlechartASX:TUC) today announced successful intersection of the target zone at the Quantum rare earth prospect in the Northern Territory. In hole TDD10, approximately 12m of strong mineral alteration, quartz veining and sulphide mineralisation have been intersected. Drilling continues at Quantum and six holes are planned for this phase of drilling.

Firestone Energy Limited (googlechartASX:FSE) has signed a Shareholders Joint Venture Agreement with Sekoko Coal (Proprietary) Limited for the Waterberg Coal Project in South Africa. The Agreement specifies the operational, financing and cashflow aspects of the joint venture in accordance with the ownership interests of the participants, Firestone 60% and Sekoko 40%. Firestone will now seek funding to develop the Waterberg Coal Project.

Raisama Limited (googlechartASX:RAI) said today that the company will acquire a 32.2% equity interest in the Bonita block, located adjacent to the Cadlao Block in the prolific Palawan Basin, the Republic of Philippines. The Bonita block has the potential to add up to 4 million barrels gross, incremental oil reserves to the 6 million barrels reserves already certified at the Cadlao Block. The Bonita block surrounds the Cadlao oil field, which is Raisama's top priority and will become the company's first production asset.


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