ABN Newswire Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile  Wedgewood Investment Group LLC. Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

View in Other Languages تعلن شركة Wedgewood Investment Group LLC عن التحالف المشكّل الجديد مع شركة ABN Newswire الأسترالية للعمل في سوق أمريكا الشمالية والسوق الأوروبية ウェッジウッド インベストメント グループ LLC (Wedgewood Investment Group LLC)は、オーストラリア ABNニュースワイヤと北米及びヨーロッパにサービス提供の新規業務提携を発表 Wedgewood Investment Group LLC annonce une alliance nouvellement constituée avec l'Australien ABN Newswire pour leur déploiement en Amérique du Nord et en Europe 북미와 유럽시장 진출을 위해 ABN Newswire 웨지우드 투자 그룹과 제휴 체결 Wedgewood Investment Group LLC Mengumumkan Bentuk Aliansi Baru dengan ABN Newswire Australia untuk berkiprah di Amerika Utara dan Eropa Wedgewood Investment Group LLC anuncia parceria com o ABN Newswire Austrália para expandir as operações deste último na América do Norte e Europa Wedgewood Investment Group LLC gibt die neu gebildete Allianz mit ABN Newswire von Australien für ihre nordamerikanischen und europäischen Roll Out เว็ดจ์วูด อินเวสเมนต์ กรุ๊ป (Wedgewood Investment Group LLC) ประกาศพันธมิตรที่จัดตั้งขึ้นใหม่กับ ABN Newswire ของออสเตรเลีย เพื่อแผ่ขยายไปทาง นอร์ทอเมริกา และยุโรป Wedgewood Investment Group LLC объявляет о вновь образованных союз с ABN Newswire Австралии для своих североамериканских и европейских вывозе El Grupo Wedgewood Investment LLC anuncia sociedad con ABN Newswire Australia a fin de expandir las operaciones de ésta última en Norteamérica y Europa Wedgewood Investment Group LLC 宣布与澳洲ABN Newswire新结盟开展北美和欧洲业务 Wedgewood Investment Group LLC Announces the Newly Formed Alliance with ABN Newswire of Australia for their North American and European Roll Out Wedgewood Investment Group LLC 宣布與澳洲ABN Newswire新結盟開展北美和歐洲業務 
Wedgewood Investment Group LLC Announces the Newly Formed Alliance with ABN Newswire of Australia for their North American and European Roll Out
Wedgewood Investment Group LLC Announces the Newly Formed Alliance with ABN Newswire of Australia for their North American and European Roll Out

New York, April 26, 2012 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Wedgewood Investment Group LLC, in conjunction with their European division, Wedgewood Communications, a global, multi faceted public and investor relations firm focused in the mining, alternative energy, medical and technology sectors, proudly announces its new alliance with ABN Newswire and look forward to assisting with ABN's expansion into the European and North American markets"

Michael Westhaver, CEO of Wedgewood Investment Group commented, "We are very pleased with the newly forged affiliation with ABN Newswire. This is in line with the vertical integration plans which we have been working on for the past two years and feel that it will benefit both our companies as well as our clients, globally."

ABN is the go-to for audio-visual and corporate information for the global investment community. Originally based out of Australia, serving the Australian and Asian markets, the opening of an office in New York will allow for an aggressive expansion into the North American and European markets by providing an unequaled service to public companies with the assistance of the Wedgewood group of companies and their affiliates.

"We are very pleased about this alliance in New York, giving both organizations greater ability to vertically assist public companies seeking exposure to the North American and European investor, funding and listing opportunities" said Tim Mckinnon, CEO of ABN Newswire.

"In terms of accessing the global financial markets, a base out of New York makes sense. The operational timezones for Europe are within reach as we prepare for the opening of the Asian trading day" he added.

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ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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