View in Other Languages Asian Activities Report for September 14, 2011: Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ) Report Positive Metallurgical Results 2011年9月14日亚洲活动报告:Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ)报告冶金测试积极结果 2011年9月14日亞洲活動報告:Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ)報告冶金測試積極結果 2011년 9월14일 아시아 현장보고서: Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ), 야금분석결과 긍정적 アジア市場活動レポート 2011年9月14日:アフロダイテゴールド (Aphrodite Gold Limited) (ASX:AQQ) が前向きな冶金結果を報告 
Asian Activities Report for September 14, 2011: Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ) Report Positive Metallurgical Results
Asian Activities Report for September 14, 2011: Aphrodite Gold (ASX:AQQ) Report Positive Metallurgical Results

Sydney, Sep 14, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Aphrodite Gold Limited (googlechartASX:AQQ) reported further positive results from its metallurgical testwork program on its Aphrodite Gold Deposit which hosts a JORC resource containing 1.03Moz of gold. An overall gold recovery of 91.3% and gold assay of 46.35g/t were returned. The results have completed the first phase of an intense metallurgical program and will now be used in a Scoping Study to be commenced shortly.

Potash West NL (googlechartASX:PWN) has extended its exploration tenure in the Dandaragan Trough by almost 40% to 2,905 km2, and now has potash rights over an estimated 80% of the Dandaragan Trough. The Company has also commenced metallurgical test work aimed at extracting potassium in its tenements to produce commercial-grade potash, a key ingredient in fertiliser.

Speewah Metals Limited (googlechartASX:SPM) is proceeding its 2011 Exploration Programme on schedule. The Company is very confident that drilling will deliver an increase in the Vanadium/Titanium in magnetite resource in 1st quarter 2012, and the metallurgical work to recover titanium, vanadium and hematite end products is continuing. The next phase of drilling is to commence to focus on Copper/Gold/Silver targets with assays delivered towards the end of 2011.

Red Fork Energy Limited (googlechartASX:RFE) says today that the Tahara #1-28H Well in Oklahoma has successfully reached its target depth of 8,139 feet, observing several good shows of oil and gas. The well bore has encountered oil and gas in broad zones and the well will be shut-in awaiting completion operations.


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