View in Other Languages تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 27 نيسان/أبريل، 2011: أعلنت شركة Ferrowest ASX:FWL نتائج إيجابية للتنقيب في منطقة إمتياز Yogi لخامات المغنتيت في غرب أستراليا. Laporan Pasar Australia 27 April 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) Mengumumkan Hasil Penggalian Yang Positif Dari Petak Magnetit Yogi Di Australia Barat รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลีย วันที่ 27 เมษายน 2011: บริษัท Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) ประกาศผลการขุดเจาะที่มั่นใจจากแหล่งแม่เหล็ก Yogi ในรัฐออสเตรเลียตะวันตก Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 27 de Abril de 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) Anunciou Resultados Positivos da Perfuração do Arrendamento de Magnetita Yogi na Austrália do Oeste Australischer Marktbericht vom 27. April 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) verkünden positive Bohrergebnisse auf ihren Yogi Magnetit-Besitzen in Westaustralien Rapport du marché australien en date du 27 avril 2011 : Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) annonce des résultats de forage positifs pour les concessions de magnétite Yogi en Australie Occidentale. Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 27 de abril de 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) anuncia resultados positivos del barreno por Magnetita en Yogi 2011年4月27日澳洲股市:Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) 公布Yogi磁铁矿权地出色钻探结果 2011년 4월27일 호주 시장보고서: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL), 서호주 Yogi 자철석 광산에서 긍정적 시추 결과발표 Asian Activities Report for April 27, 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) Announce Positive Drilling Results From Yogi Magnetite Tenements In Western Australia オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年4月27日: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) が西オーストラリア州 Yogi 磁鉄鉱施設地からの前向きな掘削結果を発表 2011年4月27日澳洲股市:Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) 公佈Yogi磁鐵礦權地出色鑽探結果 
Asian Activities Report for April 27, 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) Announce Positive Drilling Results From Yogi Magnetite Tenements In Western Australia
Asian Activities Report for April 27, 2011: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL) Announce Positive Drilling Results From Yogi Magnetite Tenements In Western Australia

Sydney, April 27, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Ferrowest Limited (googlechartASX:FWL) has completed 1,250 metres of drilling on the Yogi tenements within the Yalgoo Iron Project in Western Australia. A Significant magnetite formation has been explored, returning iron grades up to 41.9% Fe. The current Inferred Resource at Yogi is 572.5Mt at 27.51% Fe. The company is targeting a magnetite resource inventory of 0.8-1.2Bt at Yogi.

Whinnen Resources Limited (googlechartASX:WWW) today announced the revised proposal for the acquisition of 100% of Mystic Sands Pty Ltd. The revised terms offered to Mystic Sands shareholders 40 million shares in Whinnen and 8 million options with an exercise price of A$0.20 per share. Through the acquisition, Whinnen will obtain highly prospective copper and gold projects in Chile.

Sherwin Iron Limited (googlechartASX:SHD) has successfully undertaken an A$8.5 million share placement at 16 cents per share to institutional and sophisticated investors as part of its strategy to accelerate drilling and development of its Roper River Iron Ore Project in the Northern Territory. Proceeds will fund accelerated exploration and ongoing feasibility studies. The early drilling has commenced on the northern areas of the Project, targeting 300-350Mt at 40-48% Fe.

West Peak Iron Limited (googlechartASX:WPI) has been granted three iron ore licences, covering a total area of 1,255 km2 in Liberia. The Company has sufficient funds to immediately initiate detailed work programs on the licences. Initial drilling programs on the two licences are expected to be completed during the December quarter of 2011.


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