West Peak Iron Limited


West Peak Iron Limited was registered on 4 March 2010 for the primary purpose of investing in Western Australian exploration tenements prospective for iron ore and other minerals through direct tenement acquisition, joint venture partnerships and new project generation. While the Company's primary exploration focus will be on iron ore exploration, the Company will also review the potential for economic mineralisation on the Tenements for various other commodities, including gold and base metals. 

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2011년 4월27일 호주 시장보고서: Ferrowest (ASX:FWL), 서호주 Yogi 자철석 광산에서 긍정적 시추 결과발표

🕔4/27/2011 12:30:43 PM 14945

2011년 4월27일 호주 시장보고서: Ferrowest Limited (ASX:FWL), 서호주 Yalgoo철 프로젝트내 Yogi 채굴지 1,250m 시추완료// Whinnen Resources Limited (ASX:WWW), 칠레 구리 프로젝트 인수 현황보고// Sherwin Iron Limited (ASX:SHD), 노던 테리토리 Roger River 철광석 프로젝트 추진 가속화 위해 850만 달러(A$) 자본확충// West Peak Iron Limited (ASX:WPI), 라이베리아에서 철광석 라이선스 3건 확보

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