View in Other Languages تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 13 نيسان/أبريل، 2011: شركة Condor Metals ASX:CNK تحدد أولويات لإستكشاف مواقع لخامات المنغنيز في مشروع Kallona Creek. Laporan Pasar Australia 13 April 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) Berprioritas Pada Target Mangan Pada Proyek Kallona Creek Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 13 de Abril de 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) Deve Priorizar Metas de Manganês no Projeto Kallona Creek Rapport du marché australien en date du 13 avril 2011 : Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) va hiérarchiser les cibles de manganèse du projet Kallona Creek รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลีย วันที่ 13 เมษายน 2011: บริษัท Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) จัดลำดับความสำคัญเป้าหมายแมงกานีสในโครงการที่ Kallona Creek Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 13 de abril de 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) Prioritario precisar Focos de Exploración de Manganeso en Proyecto Kallona Creek Australischer Marktbericht vom 13. April 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) prioritisiert Manganziele im Kallona-Creek-Projekt Asian Activities Report for April 13, 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) To Prioritise Manganese Targets At Kallona Creek Project 2011年4月13日澳洲股市:Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) 将Kallona Creek项目锰矿靶区列为优先工作区 2011년 4월13일 호주 시장보고서: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK), Kallona Creek 프로젝트에서 망간 우선 개발키로 2011年4月13日澳洲股市:Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) 將Kallona Creek項目錳礦靶區列為優先工作區 オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年4月13日: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) が Kallona Creek プロジェクトにおいてマンガン対象地を優先予定 
Asian Activities Report for April 13, 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) To Prioritise Manganese Targets At Kallona Creek Project
Asian Activities Report for April 13, 2011: Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) To Prioritise Manganese Targets At Kallona Creek Project

Sydney, April 13, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Condor Metals Limited (googlechartASX:CNK) has completed sampling and geophysical work at its Kallona Creek project in the East Pilbara, Western Australia. Rock chip samples returned 27-38% manganese and nickel-copper targets were identified. The Company considered the project prospective for both iron ore and manganese deposits and will prioritise manganese targets with a 85-hole drilling program planned in the latter half of May.

Energy Ventures Limited (googlechartASX:EVE) said today that the diamond drilling programme currently in progress at its Aurora uranium project in USA has intersected uranium mineralisation with significant grade and thickness. Shallow mineralisation was also confirmed returning U3O8 grades of up to 744ppm. Drilling is continuing and is expected to be completed during April 2011.

Anatolia Energy Limited (googlechartASX:AEK) reported initial results from its maiden drilling program at the Temrezli joint venture project in Turkey. Best results included 2.0m at 2,082ppm U3O8 and 2.0m at 1,583ppm U3O8. On the back of the encouraging results and with Turkey's announcement to continue its nuclear program with construction of its first nuclear facility commencing this month, the Company is confident to accelerate its exploration efforts at Temrezli and other regional sites in 2011.

Pepinnini Minerals Limited (googlechartASX:PNN) said today that its joint venture with Sinosteel Corporation has identified a number of potential magnetite prospects within the tenements in the Curnamona Province, South Australia. The Joint Venture has prioritised the investigation of the iron ore potential of the tenements and is currently undertaking heritage clearance surveys for an initial drilling program to assess the potential magnitude of the resource.


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