Eve Investments Ltd


EVE Investments Ltd (ASX:EVE) invests in companies with a focus on the medical nutrition sector. The Company's investment strategy has a three pronged approach.

1. To invest in businesses that are in the early growth phase with the aim to support their expansion programs.

2. To identify products that have unique medicinal properties and a global reach application.

3. Preference for natural organic products that have demonstrated medicinal benefits.

For further information, please visit www.eveinvestments.com.au and follow us on Twitter @EVEInvestments Meluka Health Pty Ltd is a subsidiary of EVE Investments and is a wellness and nutrition company that develops and sells its naturally derived, organic and ecologically pure products created using its old growth Australian Melaleuca tea tree plantation which are acclaimed for their medicinal activity.




2011年9月5日亞洲活動報告:Trafford Resources (ASX:TRF)開始Peterlumbo礦權地勘探項目

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2011年9月5日亞洲活動報告包括:Trafford Resources Limited (ASX:TRF)已經開始了南澳全資所有的Peterlumbo礦權地的勘探工作;Energy Ventures Limited (ASX:EVE)位於美國的Maybell鈾礦項目已經開始了一個金剛石鑽探項目;Rex Minerals Limited (ASX:RXM)目前收到了其在南澳全資所有的Hillside銅礦項目的更多鑽探結果;Minotaur Exploration Limited (ASX:MEP)已經在昆士蘭西部的Cormorant探礦區發現了一個大型的銅金礦化系統;印度製藥公司Lupin Limited (BOM:500257)已經收到了美國藥監局對於鹽酸曲馬多緩釋片的新藥批准。


2011年4月13日澳洲股市:Condor Metals (ASX:CNK) 將Kallona Creek項目錳礦靶區列為優先工作區

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2011年4月13日澳洲股市:Condor Metals Limited (ASX:CNK)已完成西澳Kallona Creek項目的採樣和地球物理工作;Energy Ventures Limited (ASX:EVE)公佈美國Aurora鈾礦良好鑽探結果;Anatolia Energy Limited (ASX:AEK) 報告土耳其Temrezli合資項目結果令人鼓舞;Pepinnini Minerals Limited (ASX:PNN)在南澳識別出重要磁鐵礦探礦區。


2011年1月12日澳洲股市:Arc Exploration (ASX:ARX) 報告發現印尼高品位金礦脈

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2011年1月12日澳洲股市報告包括:Arc Exploration (ASX:ARX) 報告發現印尼高品位金礦脈;Globe Metals & Mining Limited (ASX:GBE)辨識出莫桑比克重稀土礦化;Energy VenturesLimited (ASX:EVE )已完成美國俄勒岡西南的Aurora鈾礦藏的新的資源量估算;Straits Resources Limited (ASX:SRL)已獲頒新加坡Sebuku的北部租地的主牌照(Izin Prinsip)。


2010年11月25日澳洲股市:Comet Ridge (ASX:COI)獲昆士蘭加利利盆地煤層氣資源認證

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2010年11月25日澳洲股市:Comet Ridge (ASX:COI)獲得了專業獨立評估機構頒發的資源認證;Energy Ventures Limited (ASX:EVE)在美國100%所有的Aurora鈾礦項目獲得了金剛石鑽探許可;Dragon Mining Limited (ASX:DRA)在芬蘭進行的金剛石鑽探項目已經完成;Mantle Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:MNM)收到了在北領地進行的磷酸鹽項目最新鑽探的所有結果。


201,451 公司背景瀏覽

  • 本頁瀏覽人次: (過去7日: 22) (過去30日: 121) (自發布以來: 17535) 


  • Suite 1, 245 Churchill Avenue
    Subiaco WA 6008
  • 電話
  • +61 8 6465 5500 
  • 主要部門
  • 食品-飲料 
  • 支柱產業
  • 食品 
  • 主頁
  • www.eveinvestments.com.au
  • E:
  • info@eveinvestments.com.au


  • 2024/11/26: Change of Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2024/11/26: Notification of cessation of securities - EVE*
  • 2024/11/26: Results of Meeting*
  • 2024/10/29: Notification of cessation of securities - EVE*
  • 2024/10/28: Notice of Annual General Meeting/Proxy Form*
  • 2024/10/23: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report*
  • 2024/09/30: Appendix 4G and Corporate Governance Statement*
  • 2024/09/30: Annual Report to shareholders*
  • 2024/09/30: Date of AGM and Closing Date for Director Nominations*
  • 2024/08/30: Preliminary Final Report*
*refer to company website
