View in Other Languages 2011年2月4日澳洲股市:iSOFT (ASX:ISF)系统大幅降低医院的药方错误 2011년 2월4일 호주 시장보고서: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) 시스템으로 약물 관리오류 대폭 감소 Australian Market Report of February 4, 2011: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) System Significantly Reduced Hospital Medication Errors Laporan Pasar Australia 4 Februari 2011: Sistem dari iSOFT (ASX:ISF) secara Signifikan Mengurangi Kesalahan Penanganan Rumah Sakit Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 4 de febrero de 2011: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) implementa software y reduce significativamente errores hospitalarios Australischer Marktbericht, 4. Februar 2011: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) System reduziert Medikationsfehler drastisch Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 4 de fevereiro de 2011: O Sistema da iSOFT (ASX:ISF) Reduziu Consideravelmente os Erros de Medicação em Hospital オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年2月4日:iSOFT (ASX:ISF)システムにより、処方箋ミスが大幅に減少 Rapport du marché australien en date du 4 février 2011: le système iSOFT (ASX:ISF) a diminué le nombre d'erreurs de médicaments à l'hôpital de manière significative รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลีย ประจำวันที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ 2011: ระบบ iSOFT (ASX:ISF)ทำให้ความผิดพลาดการใช้ยาในโรงพยาบาลลดลงได้มาก تقرير السوق الاسترالية 4 شباط/فبراير، 2011: نظام شركة iSOFT ASX:ISF قد قلل بشكل كبير من الأخطاء الطبية في مستشفى. 2011年2月4日澳洲股市:iSOFT (ASX:ISF)系統大幅降低醫院的藥方錯誤 
Australian Market Report of February 4, 2011: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) System Significantly Reduced Hospital Medication Errors
Australian Market Report of February 4, 2011: iSOFT (ASX:ISF) System Significantly Reduced Hospital Medication Errors

Sydney, Feb 4, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Three months after implementation of the iSOFT (googlechartASX:ISF) Medication Management solution (formerly known as MedChart), Dunedin Hospital of Otago on New Zealand's South Island has seen a reduction in medication error and an increase in staff efficiency. Incorrect or missing information was reduced from 82% down to zero. The iSOFT system replaces the paper medication charts currently used in most hospitals. It improves staff communication and co-ordination by combining prescribing, clinical pharmacy review and drug administration into a single system.

East Coast Minerals NL (googlechartASX:ECM) has entered into a conditional heads of agreement with Exchange Minerals Limited to acquire an 80% interest in an advanced lithium project in Austria for a total consideration of EUR9.95M. The Project has an inferred JORC resource of 18 million tonnes grading 1.6% Lithium Oxide with a further initial exploration target of 8 to 12 million tonnes with a grade of 1.5% to 2% Lithium Oxide. The Lithium Project is considered to be of strategic importance to European manufacturers, with its product to be sold into the robust European market.

Aquila Resources Limited (googlechartASX:AQA) announced a further 63% increase in JORC-compliant resource at the Avontuur Manganese Project in South Africa, where the Company holds a 74% interest. The resource now stands at 108.9 million tonnes at 38.6% Mn. The Project will comprise of an initial open pit mining operation and a processing plant, with subsequent underground mining from an open pit access.

Monto Minerals Limited (googlechartASX:MOO) is to acquire over 534km2 of tin exploration ground in the Herberton Tin Field of Northern Queensland from Conquest Mining Limited (googlechartASX:CQT). Conquest Mining Limited will have a minimum 24.5% shareholding after the acquisition. Herberton Tin Field has historically produced over 109,000t of tin concentrates. Monto Minerals has identified several high grade drill targets and will commence additional geophysical surveys to further refine tin targets.


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