Conquest Mining Limited
Asian Activities Report for April 18, 2011 includes: Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) announced strong production at the Pajingo gold mine in Queensland in the March Quarter; Firestone Energy Limited's (ASX:FSE) Waterberg Coal Project will be funded by the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa; Jameson Resources Limited (ASX:JAL) is to acquire up to 100% of the Crown Mountain Coal Project in Canada; BrightStar Resources Limited (ASX:BUT) is to earn 75% of the Miyabi Gold Project in Tanzania.
Australian Market Report of February 4, 2011 includes: The implementation of the iSOFT (ASX:ISF) Medication Management solution has helped reduce medication errors at Dunedin Hospital of Otago in New Zealand; East Coast Minerals NL (ASX:ECM) is to acquire advanced lithium project in Austria; Aquila Resources Limited (ASX:AQA) announced a further 63% resource increase at the Avontuur Manganese Project in South Africa; Monto Minerals Limited (ASX:MOO) is to acquire tin assets in Queensland.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) is pleased to advise that it has completed the acquisition of the remaining 40% of the Pajingo gold mine in Queensland through the acquisition of HSK Gold Australia Pty Limited ("HSK Gold").
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) is pleased to announce that, as a result of acceptances it has received in respect of its takeover offer for North Queensland Metals Limited (ASX:NQM), it now has a relevant interest in more than 90% of the NQM shares. As at close of business last Friday, Conquest had a relevant interest in 90.48% of the NQM shares.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) is pleased to announce an equity raising to raise gross proceeds of up to A$45 million. The equity raising comprises a placement to institutional investors to raise up to A$40 million for which Conquest has received binding commitments from a range of existing and new institutional investors and a share purchase plan to raise up to A$5 million.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) is pleased to announce further drilling results from the recently discovered high-grade eastern extension to the V2 deposit.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) is pleased to announce that, based on the acceptances it has received in respect of its takeover offer for North Queensland Metals Limited (ASX:NQM) up to and including Friday 24 September 2010, it has obtained more than 50% of the NQM shares.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) has entered into a long-term concentrate offtake contract with Shandong Guoda Gold Co. Limited for the sale of gold-silver-copper concentrate from Conquest's V2 deposit at the Mt Carlton project in north Queensland.
Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT) (PINK:CQMLF) announces that it has received notice from Acorn Capital Limited ("Acorn") that Acorn has advised its custodians to accept Conquest's takeover offer for North Queensland Metals Limited ("NQM") for Acorn's entire shareholding in NQM totalling 22,123,821 shares (or 11.04% of all the NQM shares).
Australian Market Report of September 16, 2010 inclues; Conquest Mining (ASX:CQT) has entered into an offtake contract for the sale of gold-silver-copper concentrate from its V2 deposit at Mt Carlton, Heemskirk Consolidated Limited (ASX:HSK) has announced the signing of an agreement with Conquest Mining Limited (ASX:CQT), Imugene Limited (ASX:IMU) today announced it has successfully completed a second trial of its Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) vaccine and Synthesis Energy Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:SYMX) and Coalworks Limited (ASX:CWK) today made a joint presentation titled "Production of Liquid Fuels from Oaklands Coal Utilizing U-GAS(R) and MTG Technologies".
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