WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) Weekly Drilling Report
WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) Weekly Drilling Report

Brisbane, April 23, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - WestSide Corporation Ltd (googlechartASX:WCL) continues drilling operations in its Bowen Basin coal seam gas (CSG) exploration tenements.

At WestSide's promising Mount Saint Martin prospect in ATP 688P, the MSM #2 appraisal has been drilled using the Boart Longyear (googlechartASX:BLY) TXD rig. The rig will move to MSM #4 and then Paranui (ATP 769P) to commence a three well drilling program, including Paranui wells #11, 12 and 9. A further two wells - Paranui #13 and 15 - will potentially be drilled dependant on results from the first wells in the program.

The Lucas 180 rig has commenced a five-well exploration program in ATP 688P, consisting of three exploration core holes and two exploration chip holes. There is an option of a further core hole to be drilled if results dictate.

The MSM #5 core well and the MSM #6 and MSM#7 exploratory chip holes will test the extent of the resource previously identified at Mount Saint Martin. Core wells Mount Leslie #8 and Exmoor #9 will target the gas potential of new precincts in ATP 688P.

ATP 688P coal seam gas drilling program (Mount Saint Martin)

WestSide is conducting a multi well program in ATP 688P in the northern Bowen Basin to confirm coal and gas in the P seam and Goonyella seams of the Moranbah Coal Measures.

Drill Stem Testing of three seams at the MSM #2 well was completed during the week, with results currently being analysed. The well has been cased and suspended for future production testing. The MSM #5 well was cored to a depth of 479m, intersecting 12m of net coal. Intrusions at this site have impacted the net coal levels. Coal cores will be desorbed over coming weeks and the well has been plugged and abandoned as planned.
Summary: ATP 688P coal seam gas drilling program 2010---------------------------------------------------------------------Well    Well Type   Spud Date   Finish Date     Current Status---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #3  Appraisal  14 Jan 2010  24 Jan 2010  Suspended pending                                             further development.---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #2  Appraisal  10 Apr 2010  20 Apr 2010  Drilled to 680m, logged                                             showing 20m of net coal                                             and 3 seams DST tested                                             (to be analysed). Cased                                             and suspended for future                                             appraisal testing.---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #5 Exploration 12 Apr 2010  22 Apr 2010  Cored to 479m, logged       Core Hole                             showing 12m of net coal.                                             Plugged and abandoned------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well      Well Type    Spud Date     Finish Date     Current Status---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #7    Exploration   23 Apr 2010  28 Apr 2010* Waiting on weather to                                                  spud.---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #4    Appraisal    29 Apr 2010*   8 May 2010* Awaiting crew break.---------------------------------------------------------------------MSM #6    Exploration  30 Apr 2010*   6 May 2010  Lease construction                                                  pending.---------------------------------------------------------------------Mount     Exploration   8 May 2010*  20 May 2010* Lease constructionLeslie#8  Core Hole                               pending.---------------------------------------------------------------------Exmoor#9  Exploration  22 May 2010*   4 Jun 2010* Lease construction          Core Hole                               pending.---------------------------------------------------------------------* Proposed dates
ATP 769P coal seam gas drilling program (Paranui)

The Paranui wells are designed to improve well deliverability and test the flow potential of deeper coals.
Summary: ATP 769P coal seam gas drilling program 2010-----------------------------------------------------------------Well    Well Type    Spud Date     Finish Date     Current Status-----------------------------------------------------------------Paranui Appraisal    1 May 2010*  10 May 2010* Awaiting suitable#11                                            ground conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------Paranui Appraisal   12 May 2010*  22 May 2010* Awaiting suitable#12                                            ground conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------Paranui Exploration 24 May 2010*   6 Jun 2010* Awaiting suitable#9      Core Hole                              ground conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------Paranui Exploration  8 Jun 2010*  18 Jun 2010* Lease construction#15                                            pending suitable                                               ground conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------Paranui Contingent  20 Jun 2010*  30 Jun 2010* Awaiting results#13                                            before decision.-----------------------------------------------------------------* Proposed dates
Other Activities

Seismic acquisition in ATP 688P is planned to commence on 26 April. Seismic data was acquired over 5 km at Mount Saint Martin in October and has been analysed to confirm the geological structure and now an additional 50 km of seismic has been planned over a wider area.


Angus Karoll
Chairman and Acting CEO
WestSide Corporation Limited
Tel: +61-07-3020-0900

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