Vesting and Release of Securities
Vesting and Release of Securities

Brisbane, July 4, 2014 AEST (ABN Newswire) - WestSide Corporation Limited (googlechartASX:WCL) (googlechartWBRIF:OTCMKTS) advises ASX that the WestSide Board has exercised its discretion in accordance with the WestSide Employee Performance Rights Plan to vest all outstanding Employee Performance Rights and release holding locks on all unquoted employee shares. WestSide will apply to ASX for the quotation of these Ordinary Shares.

The changes to the number of securities on issue are summarised below:
-------------------------------------------------Description  Expiry   ASX    Number of  Activity              date    code   securities-------------------------------------------------Quoted                WCL    5,875,920  QuotationOrdinary sharesUnlisted              WCLAZ (1,128,920) QuotationOrdinary sharesUnlisted     31/12/15 WCLAW (705,000)   Vestedemployee share rightsUnlisted     31/12/16 WCLAM (865,000)   Vestedemployee    share rightsUnlisted     30/06/17 WCLAI (3,177,000) Vestedemployee    share rights -------------------------------------------------
Following the processing of the movement of these securities the Company's issued securities are as follows:
---------------------------------------------------------Description     Expiry date   Exercise  ASX    Number                              price     code---------------------------------------------------------QuotedOrdinary Shares                         WCL   449,849,941UnquotedOrdinary shares                         WCLAZ      -Unlisted rights  31/12/2015      -      WCLAW      -employee shareUnlisted rights  31/12/2016      -      WCLAM      -employee shareUnlisted rights  30/06/2017      -      WCLAI      -employee share---------------------------------------------------------
To view tables and the release, please visit:


Damian Galvin
Company Secretary
WestSide Corporation Limited
T: +61-7-3020-0904
F: +61-7-3020-0999

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