With 2008 sales of over US$1.8 billion and approximately 7,000 employees worldwide, the company conducts contract drilling services in more than 35 countries and provides mining products to customers in over 100 countries.

Global Nickel Investments NL (ASX:GNI) is pleased to announce the commencement of drilling at its Mt. Cornell and Mt. Warren projects on the Jutson's Rocks Greenstone Belt in Western Australia.
The Australian shares opened higher on Tuesday despite most Asian markets dropped in early trade. Miners were boosted by stronger copper and gold prices. Most Asian markets yesterday rose as sentiment was improved after prospects of a European Union and the International Monetary Fund bailout for Greece. The Australian sharemarket was closed on Monday for a public holiday. In economic news today, the Australian Bureau of Statistics is due to unveil producer price indices (PPI) for March quarter. The National Australia Bank releases its business confidence survey for the March quarter.
WestSide Corporation Ltd (ASX:WCL) continues drilling operations in its Bowen Basin coal seam gas (CSG) exploration tenements.
Your Directors present their report on the Consolidated Entity (referred to hereafter as the Group) consisting of WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) Half Yearly Accounts and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the half-year ended 31 December 2009.
Australian shares and Asian markets Friday were down on the US Federal Reserve's decision to raise the discount rate for the first time since the financial crisis. NAB's flat cash earnings result also weighed on the Australian shares. At the close, the benchmark S&P/ASX200 index declined 19.8 points, or 0.4 per cent, at 4635.1, while the broader All Ordinaries index slid 17.6 points, or 0.4 per cent, to 4656.3. The local market gained 2 per cent for the week.
Linc Energy Limited (ASX:LNC) (PINK:LNCGY) is pleased to announce interim results from the first round of drilling in its Arckaringa Basin Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PEL's) aimed at assessing the suitability of the Permian Mount Toondina coal seams for Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) and, indirectly, also assessing the Coal Seam Gas (CSG) potential at the selected locations.
WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) has commenced an expanded drilling program in its Bowen Basin tenements which could see 16 new wells drilled by mid-2010. The program aims to build on WestSide's initial gas reserves.
WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) has commenced an expanded drilling program in its Bowen Basin tenements which could see 16 new wells drilled by mid-2010. The program aims to build on WestSide's initial gas reserves.
WestSide Corporation Limited (ASX:WCL) has commenced a multi well program in ATP 688P in the northern Bowen Basin. The first three wells of the program (Tilbrook #9a, #10a and #10b) are exploration wells to confirm coal in the P seam and Goonyella seams of the Moranbah Coal Measures in preparation for the drilling of two sets of horizontal chevron-style dual-lateral wells (Tilbrook #L9a and #L9b, Tilbrook #L10a and #L10b) which are planned to intersect with new vertical wells (Tilbrook #9 and #10).
Overnight US stocks rose for a fourth consecutive session led by industrial stocks. But market sentiment were dented after Federal Reserve report showed that consumer spending was still soft and retail sales were flat. The report also said labour market conditions remained weak across all districts.