ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: February 17, 2010
Sydney, Feb 17, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - iSOFT Group Limited (
ASX:ISF), Australia's largest listed health information technology company, reported a Sales Revenue of A$237.3 million and an EBITDA of A$40.8 million for the six months ended 31 December 2009. The company said the higher Australian dollar had the biggest impact on its first-half result. In FY10, iSOFT expects overall revenue growth of between 6-10% (on a constant currency basis), an EBITDA margin of 21-23%.
Murchison Metals Limited (
PINK:MUMTF) said that Oakajee Port & Rail (OPR) has received tonnage nominations for the new Oakajee Port in excess of the initial stage 1 capacity of 35 million tonnes per annum. Operations at Oakajee Port are due to commence in late 2013 / early 2014.
Gold producer Focus Minerals Limited (
ASX:FML) provided an update on operations at the Company's Coolgardie Gold Project, including significant high-grade gold intersections from the current round of drilling within the Tindal's Mining Centre, Coolgardie. Focus Chief Executive Officer, Mr Campbell Baird, said the drilling results were immensely exciting - particularly those coming from the surface drilling.
Anglo Australian Resources NL (
PINK:AAURF) has commenced a RC drilling program of approximately 1,400m at the Feysville Project. Drilling will target bedrock mineralisation beneath the Rogan Josh supergene deposit and extensions to the high grade intersection of 6m @ 9.08g/t Au at the new Dalray prospect.
Michelle Liang
Asia Business News Asia Bureau
Tel: +61-2-9247-4344
Email: michelle.liang@abnnewswire.net
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