Platina Resources Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) Presentation to the 6th Rare Earth Summit in Nanning Guangxi China March 2014 Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) 2014年3月在中国广西南宁第六届稀土峰会上演讲 Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) 2014年3月在中國廣西南寧第六屆稀土峰會上演講 

Brisbane, 2014年3月21日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Platina Resources Limited (googlechartASX:PGM)的首席執行官和董事會總經理Rob Mosig 在2014年3月的中國廣西南寧第六屆稀土峰會上發表了演講。



- 中國、哈薩克斯坦、俄羅斯、烏克蘭

- 尚未發現含量高到足以作為主產品開采的礦(直至發現Owendale)

- 由於含量低,鈧目前全都是作為副產品生產或從尾礦和礦渣裡回收


- 澳大利亞、菲律賓(紅土鎳鈷礦藏)
- 哈薩克斯坦(鈾礦藏)
- 俄羅斯(磷灰石)
- 馬達加斯加、挪威(偉晶石)
- 烏克蘭(鐵礦石礦藏)
- 中國(錫、鎢、鐵礦石、稀土礦藏)

Platina 擁有世界上最大的、品位最高的紅土型鈧礦藏

- 蘊藏鈧金屬9,1000噸
- 與鉑資源重合
- 研究顯示對鈧的需求在增長


內容關於: Platina Resources Limited

Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM)Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) (OTCMKTS:PTNUF) is an Australian-based company focused on returning shareholder value by advancing early-stage metals projects through exploration, feasibility, permitting and into development.

The Company has interests in the following projects:

- Platina Scandium Project (100% interest) - located in central New South Wales, the project is one of the largest and highest-grade scandium deposits in the world, which has the potential to become Australia's first scandium producer with cobalt and nickel credits. A Definitive Feasibility Study was completed in late 2018 demonstrating the technical and economic viability of constructing the project. The Company is now focused on completing the permitting and securing offtake and financing.

- Skaergaard (100% interest) - One of the world's largest undeveloped gold deposits and one of the largest palladium resources outside of South Africa and Russia, located in Greenland;

- Munni Munni (30% interest) - Situated in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the project is one of Australia's most significant Platinum Group Metal occurrences. Munni Munni also has potential for conglomerate hosted gold and is a Joint Venture with Artemis Resources Limited; and

- Blue Moon (to earn a 70% interest) - Located in California, U.S.A, the project is subject to a Nl 43-101 Mineral Resource estimate. The resource is open at depth and along strike and has favourable metallurgy.

For more information please see: 


Platina Resources Limited
電話: +61-7-5580-9094
傳真: +61-7-5580-9394

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