Platina Resources Limited


Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM)Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) (OTCMKTS:PTNUF) is an Australian-based company focused on returning shareholder value by advancing early-stage metals projects through exploration, feasibility, permitting and into development.

The Company has interests in the following projects:

- Platina Scandium Project (100% interest) - located in central New South Wales, the project is one of the largest and highest-grade scandium deposits in the world, which has the potential to become Australia's first scandium producer with cobalt and nickel credits. A Definitive Feasibility Study was completed in late 2018 demonstrating the technical and economic viability of constructing the project. The Company is now focused on completing the permitting and securing offtake and financing.

- Skaergaard (100% interest) - One of the world's largest undeveloped gold deposits and one of the largest palladium resources outside of South Africa and Russia, located in Greenland;

- Munni Munni (30% interest) - Situated in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the project is one of Australia's most significant Platinum Group Metal occurrences. Munni Munni also has potential for conglomerate hosted gold and is a Joint Venture with Artemis Resources Limited; and

- Blue Moon (to earn a 70% interest) - Located in California, U.S.A, the project is subject to a Nl 43-101 Mineral Resource estimate. The resource is open at depth and along strike and has favourable metallurgy.

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El Informe Del Mercado Australiano Del 29 De Noviembre De 2010: Cue Energy (ASX:CUE) Ha Firmado Un Contrato De Venta De Gas Con PT Indonesia Power

🕔11/29/2010 1:30:00 PM 9834

El Informe del Mercado Australiano del 29 de noviembre de 2010 incluye: Cue Energy Resources Limited (ASX:CUE) ha firmado un contrato de venta de gas con PT Indonesia Power; Doray Minerals Limited (ASX:DRM) reportó resultados de oro y plata en la campaña de perforación de diamante Wilber Lode en Australia Occidental; Platina Resources (ASX:PGM) reportó resultados de platino de alto grado en NSW; Red Metal Limited (ASX:RDM) comenzó a perforar en el proyecto de Cobre-Oro del Corkwood.

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Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 11 de noviembre de 2010: Southern Hemisphere (ASX:SUH) anuncia resultados positivos de Cobre y Oro en Chile

🕔11/11/2010 1:30:00 PM 9559

Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 11 de noviembre de 2010, incluye: Southern Hemisphere Mining Limited (ASX:SUH) (CVE:SH) reporta resultados de análisis positivos de sus proyectos de cobre y cobre-oro en Chile; Ishine International Resources Limited (ASX:ISH) inicia 1,300 metros de perforación de circulación reversa en el Proyecto Cobre en Mt Watson, Queensland; NT Resources Limited (ASX:NTR) recibe resultados oro de alto grado en su Proyecto Acacia en Territorio del Norte; Platina Resources Limited (ASX:PGM) anuncia la mayor intersección de escandio en Australia en el Proyecto Owendale, Nueva Gales del Sur.

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191,037 Visitas al Perfil de la Empresa

  • Número de visitas: (Últimos 7 Días: 30) (Últimos 30 Días: 124) (Desde su Publicación: 13406) 

Datos de la Empresa

  • Level 2, Suite 9
    389 Oxford Street
    Mt Hawthorn WA 6016
  • Teléfono
  • +61-7-5580-9094 
  • Fax
  • +61-8-9380-6761 
  • Principal Sector
  • Materials General 
  • Principal Industria
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Página Principal

Más Resultados de Noticias

  • 2025/03/06: Half Year Accounts*
  • 2025/02/19: Investor Presentation - RIU Explorers Conference*
  • 2025/02/10: Platina commences diamond drilling the Xanadu Deeps target*
  • 2025/01/28: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report*
  • 2024/11/25: Notification of cessation of securities - PGM*
  • 2024/11/21: Results of Meeting*
  • 2024/11/13: Investor Presentation - Noosa Mining Conference*
  • 2024/11/11: Notification of cessation of securities - PGM*
  • 2024/11/01: EIS grant to drill Xanadu Deeps target and Mt Narryer update*
  • 2024/10/29: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report*
*refer to company website