Image Resources NL Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它語言版本 澳洲Image Resources (ASX:IMA)与中国私人投资公司签订谅解备忘录 澳洲Image Resources (ASX:IMA)與中國私人投資公司簽訂諒解備忘錄 Image Resources NL (ASX:IMA) Announce Memorandum Of Understanding with Chinese Fibonacci Group on North Perth Basin 
澳洲Image Resources (ASX:IMA)與中國私人投資公司簽訂諒解備忘錄
澳洲Image Resources (ASX:IMA)與中國私人投資公司簽訂諒解備忘錄

Perth, 2009年5月4日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - Image Resources NL (ASX:IMA)(PINK:IMREF)最近就北珀斯盆地的礦產項目與北京一家私人投資公司簽訂了諒解備忘錄。這家中國私人投資公司主要從私人企業及資深投資者獲得資金,併計劃在香港聯交所上市進一步募集資金,但現仍持有5億美元資金用於投資。

Image Resources對該項發展北珀斯盆地項目的投資表示歡迎。

內容關於: Image Resources NL

Image Resources Ltd ASX:IMAImage Resources NL (ASX:IMA) is a mineral sands focused mining company operating an open-cut mine and ore processing facility at its 100%-owned, high-grade, zircon-rich Boonanarring Project, located 80km north of Perth in the infrastructure rich North Perth Basin.

Boonanarring is arguably one of the highest grade, zircon-rich mineral sands projects in Australia. Construction and project commissioning were completed on-time and on-budget in 2018. Production commenced in December 2018 and HMC production ramped-up to exceed name-plate capacity in only the second month of operation. The Company achieved profitability in Q1 2019 and was cashflow positive in Q2 2019 and is now at steady state production. 


George Sakalidis
Tel: +61-8-9485-2410
Mob: +61-411-640-337

Roger Thomson
Tel: +61-8-9485-2410
Mob: +61-419-969-183

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