White Rock Minerals Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它语言版本 White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) 2019年6月季度活动和现金流报告 White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) June 2019 Quarterly Activities & Cashflow Report White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) 2019年6月季度活動和現金流報告 

Ballarat, 2019年7月29日, AEST (ABN Newswire) - White Rock Minerals Ltd (googlechartASX:WRM) 公告截至2019年6月30日的季度活动报告。


- 在公司的红山(Red Mountain)高品位锌和贵金属项目开始进行全额资助的勘探计划。

- 红山勘探项目的资金增长了$200万澳元,超出了与Sandfire Resources合资项目中规定的最低投资额,目前达到了2019年$800万澳元的总额。 

- 重建了拥有25人的营地,并将人员调动至矿场,勘探活动包括地面勘查、采样、测绘和地球物理。

- 已经开始了钻探,着力于测试新的靶区,有可能有重大发现来支持新矿的开发。


内容关于 White Rock Minerals Ltd

White Rock Minerals Ltd

 White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) (OTCMKTS:WRMCF) is a diversified explorer and near-stage producer, headquartered in Ballarat, Victoria. The Company's flagship exploration project is Red Mountain in central Alaska. At Red Mountain, there are already two high grade zinc - silver - gold - lead VMS deposits, with an Inferred Mineral Resource of 9.1 million tonnes @ 609g/t AgEq / 13% ZnEq. The Company is also exploring its recently discovered large intrusion related gold anomaly at Last Chance, also located in the Tintina gold belt of Alaska, home to multi-million gold ounce deposits like Pogo, Fort Knox and the Donlin Project. The Company also has the Mt Carrington project, located near Drake, in Northern NSW, which is a near-production precious metals asset with a resource of 341,000 ounces of gold and 23.2 million ounces of silver on an approved mining lease, and with a Gold First PFS and JORC Reserve.

https://www.linkedin.com/company/5889390/admin/ abnnewswire.com 


Matthew Gill 或 Shane Turner
电话: +61-3-5331-4644
电邮: info@whiterockminerals.com.au

Peta Baldwin
电话: +61-455-081-008
Cannings Purple
电邮: pbaldwin@canningspurple.com.au

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