White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) (OTCMKTS:WRMCF) is a diversified explorer and near-stage producer, headquartered in Ballarat, Victoria. The Company's flagship exploration project is Red Mountain in central Alaska. At Red Mountain, there are already two high grade zinc - silver - gold - lead VMS deposits, with an Inferred Mineral Resource of 9.1 million tonnes @ 609g/t AgEq / 13% ZnEq. The Company is also exploring its recently discovered large intrusion related gold anomaly at Last Chance, also located in the Tintina gold belt of Alaska, home to multi-million gold ounce deposits like Pogo, Fort Knox and the Donlin Project. The Company also has the Mt Carrington project, located near Drake, in Northern NSW, which is a near-production precious metals asset with a resource of 341,000 ounces of gold and 23.2 million ounces of silver on an approved mining lease, and with a Gold First PFS and JORC Reserve.
White Rock Minerals Ltd
正如2017年12月13日公佈的,White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM)與Kentgrove Capital Growth Fund ("Kentgrove Capital")簽訂了《權配售機制》("機制")。
Sandfire已通知White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM),它打算退出《紅山項目賺進股權及合資選擇權協議》(見澳洲證交所2019年3月25日公告),從今日起生效。
White Rock Minerals Ltd (ASX:WRM) 公告截至2019年6月30日的季度活動報告。
2011年9月12日亞洲活動報告:White Rock Minerals Limited (ASX:WRM)更新其全資所有的位於新南威爾士州北部的Mt Carrington銀-金項目的勘探活動最新進展情況;Rico Resources Limited (ASX:RRI)宣佈在西澳Wonmunna項目內發現新的高品位鐵礦石礦化;Condor Metals Limited (ASX:CNK)已收到其位於皮爾巴拉東部的Kallona項目的一期鑽探全部分析結果;Northern Star Resources Limited (ASX:NST)公佈了其西澳Paulsens金礦的一系列出色的高品位鑽探結果;印度領先的全球電信公司Bharti Airtel Limited (BOM:532454)已在盧旺達獲頒一張經營第二代和第三代GSM移動服務的牌照。
2011年8月8日亞洲活動報告:Laconia Resources Limited (ASX:LCR)已與Sinoz Mining Investment Group 簽訂合資協議;Altura Mining Limited (ASX:AJM)公佈西澳Pilgangoora鋰項目的初始JORC礦產資源估算量;White Rock Minerals Limited (ASX:WRM) 收到Lady Hampden銀探礦區高品位銀分析結果;Voyager Resources Limited (ASX:VOR)在位於蒙古南部的KM斑岩銅礦項目初步分析結果;Godrej Properties Limited (BOM:533150)已與Jet Airways Limited (BOM:532617)簽訂一份開發Jet Airways在孟買的地產的協議。
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