Oz Minerals Limited


OZ Minerals Limited, formerly Oxiana Limited, is an Australia-based mining company. The Company is a producer of zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver. OZ Minerals was formed through a merger of Australia-based international mining companies Oxiana Limited and Zinifex Limited. The Company has five mining operations located in Australia and Asia, three new mining projects in development and a portfolio of advanced and early-stage exploration projects throughout Australia, Asia and North America. Its projects include the Century mine in Queensland, Sepon copper operation in Laos, the gold operation at Sepon, the Golden Grove underground base and precious metals mine in Western Australia, the Rosebery mine in Tasmania, the Avebury nickel mine in Tasmania, the Prominent Hill copper-gold project in South Australia, the Martabe gold project in Indonesia, the Dugald River deposit in Queensland, and the Izok Lake and High Lake copper and zinc deposits in the Nunavut territories of Canada. 

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Laporan Pasar Australia 20 Oktober 2010: JFE Shoji Trade meraih keuntungan di Proyek Batubara milik Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK) di Bowen Basin

🕔10/20/2010 1:30:00 PM 13057

Laporan Pasar Australia 20 Oktober 2010 memuat: JFE Shoji Trade Corporation telah meraih keuntungan di Proyek Bowen Basin Cockatoo Coal (ASX:COK); PanAust Limited (ASX:PNA) tengah menginvestasikan 110 Juta Dollar AS pada Oeprasi Tembaga-Emas Phu Kham di Laos; Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS) menemukan nikel sulfida yang lebih baik mutunya daripada yang diharapkan di Cadangan Cerberus; Transol Corporation Limited (ASX:TNC) telah mendapatkan dua proyek emas baru di Kambodia.

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Data Perusahaan

  • (03) 8623 2222 
  • Sektor Utama
  • Materials 
  • Industri Utama
  • Mining & Metals 
  • Homepage
  • www.ozminerals.com