Oz Minerals Limited

Already well established as a prolific project generator of base metals prospects and discoveries around the Cloncurry region of northwest Queensland, Minotaur Exploration (ASX:MEP) has enhanced its ties there with mid-tier copper producer OZ Minerals Ltd (ASX:OZL).
Minotaur Exploration Ltd (ASX:MEP) reports significant copper-gold intersections for the Eloise JV at 'Jericho', located 60km southeast of Cloncurry, NW Queensland. Latest assays from drilling into the J1 structure delineate high grade copper at shallow depths, demonstrating the persistent nature of mineralisation at Jericho.
Cassini Resources (ASX:CZI) and its joint-venture partner Oz Minerals (ASX:OZL) have announced the results of a scoping study for the West Musgrave nickel-copper-cobalt project in Western Australia. Highlights of the announcement include the following.
Mithril Resources (ASX:MTH) and its joint venture partners are exploring for gold, nickel and copper throughout the Kalgoorlie and Meekatharra Districts of Western Australia, and nickel-copper-PGE's throughout the Coompana Province of South Australia.
Mithril Resources Ltd (ASX:MTH) advises that the Geological Survey of South Australia and Geoscience Australia have commenced a regional diamond drilling program at Coompana which is located in South Australia's far west.
Cassini Resources (ASX:CZI) has provided an update to the market regarding on-going activities at the West Musgrave Nickel-Copper Project (WMP).
Cassini Resources (ASX:CZI) is developing the bulk tonnage West Musgrave Nickel-Copper Project (WMP) which consists of three deposits; the Nebo-Babel deposits (203.1Mt at 0.41% Ni, 0.42% Cu, 1.31% Cu eq.) and the Succoth deposit (156Mt at 0.6% Cu).
Cassini Resources (ASX:CZI) has executed a binding Heads of Agreement with leading Australian resources company OZ Minerals Limited (ASX:OZL) to fast track the development of their West Musgrave Project (WMP). Key highlights of the transaction include:
Minotaur Exploration (ASX:MEP) and OZ Minerals Ltd (ASX:OZL) are to co-explore for copper in its tenements around the Prominent Hill mine. The agreement brings Minotaur back in to the Mt Woods area of the Gawler Craton, it's origins Collaboration Agreement for the Mt Woods area.
Perth-based explorer Peel Mining Limited (ASX:PEX) is pleased to announce it has reached agreement with OZ Exploration Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of OZ Minerals Ltd (ASX:OZL), to purchase a strategic exploration license (EL) in close proximity to Peel's Mallee Bull copper-polymetallic discovery.
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