Thomson applies for zinc project
Sydney, Nov 8, 2018 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Thomson Resources Ltd (
ASX:TMZ) is pleased to announce that its exploration licence application (ELA 5737) over a significant zinc exploration project near Lake Cargelligo in central NSW has been accepted by the Department of Planning and Environment (Resources and Geoscience).
- EL application over a zinc project in NSW
- Contains the Browns Reef Deposit
- Mineralisation is Cobar Style Zn - Pb - Cu - Ag - Au
The ELA was for recently relinquished "open ground" covering the Browns Reef mineral deposit and is adjacent to three ELs already held by Thomson Resources in the area.
Browns Reef Mineralisation
ELA 5737 is located on the eastern margin of the Rast Trough, which is at the southern end of the Cobar Basin, host to many metalliferous deposits and operating mines. The host rocks are Devonian age sandstones and siltstones separated from older Ordovician 'basement' by an unconformity and the Woorara Fault. The base metal mineralisation of Browns Reef is in close proximity to the Woorara Fault along a distance of over 10km.
This mineralisation consists mainly of pyrite, with lesser sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite and traces of arsenopyrite, covellite and bornite. It is tabular in shape and steeply dipping.
The Browns Reef deposit has been explored by several companies including the Electrolytic Zinc Company (1977-81), Shell Minerals (1976-78), Comet Resources (2006- 2014) and Kidman Resources (2014-2018). Over 800 drill holes are recorded (60 air core drill holes, 738 rotary air blast drill holes, 22 reverse circulation drill holes and 52 diamond core drill holes), covering 11km along the length of the Woorara Fault.
Browns Reef Exploration Target
In 2015 Kidman Resources (
ASX:KDR), release of 20 January 2015, published an Exploration Target for the Browns Reef deposit consisting of 27 to 37 million tonnes grading 1.3-1.4% Zn, 0.6-0.7% Pb, 9-10g/t Ag and 0.2-0.3% Cu. Note that the potential quantity and grade is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in the determination of a Mineral Resource. The estimate is based on over 70 RC and diamond drill holes and was carried out by Mr. Llyle Sawyer of Geos Mining. Thomson is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the quoted market announcement and confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Person's findings are presented have not been materially modified.
The most recent hole drilled, BRD013 (Figure 1), 650m north of the Main Deposit, highlights the potential for high grade zones within the overall mineralisation with 8.4m at 4.7% Zn, 1.9% Pb, 0.4% Cu, 18.7 g/t Ag and 0.5 g/t Au from 299.8m depth within an overall width of 20m at 2.2% Zn, 0.9% Pb, 0.2% Cu, 9 g/t Ag and 0.3 g/t Au.
Thomson Resources intends to carry out deep-looking, high precision geophysical testing over the strike length of the mineralisation to search for higher grade lenses.
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About Thomson Resources Ltd
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is an NSW active mineral explorer. Thomson has several tin projects (including an advanced project near Ardlethan), as well as gold, copper and zinc targets in a range of settings. Thomson has a good record of discovery, with multiple new Intrusion-Related Gold (gold with copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten) systems discovered in the Thomson Fold Belt in the NW of the state.
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