Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR) (FRA:6KR) (OTCMKTS:KDDRF) is a fast-growing Australian resource company. Its flagship asset, is the Mt Holland Gold & Lithium Project located near Southern Cross, in the Archaean Forrestania Greenstone belt of WA.

Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) provides the Company's Chairman Address to Shareholders.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is pleased to announce that its exploration licence application over a significant zinc exploration project near Lake Cargelligo in central NSW has been accepted by the Department of Planning and Environment.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) provides the Company's Annual Report.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) provides the Company's Quarterly Activities Report.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) provides the Chairman's Address to Shareholders and CEO's presentation at 2017 Annual General Meeting.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) provides the Company's Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 30 June, 2017.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) are pleased to provide the Company's latest Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending March 2017.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is pleased to provide the Company's Quarterly Activities Report for the period ended 31 December,2016.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is pleased to provide its Quarterly Activities Report ending 30 September 2016.
Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) has had a very successful year, with significant progress on the Bygoo tin discovery. Three rounds of drilling generated a number of high grade tin intersections and modelling has allowed the estimation of an Exploration Target for Bygoo. The Exploration Target estimated is 0.9 to 1.44 million tonnes of ore at 0.8% to 1.4% Sn (7,200 to 20,100 tonnes of contained tin).