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ULTRAMAG Deep Penetrating Radar at the Mt Remarkable Gold Deposit
ULTRAMAG Deep Penetrating Radar at the Mt Remarkable Gold Deposit

Sydney, July 22, 2017 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Revolution Metals Ltd Begins ULTRAMAG Deep Ground Penetrating Radar (DGPR) at the Mt Remarkable Gold Deposit in Northern NSW following analysis by advanced technology and geophysics company Ultramag Geophysics.

Ultramag Geophysics are deploying a sophisticated combination of ground IP and deep penetrating radar to clearly define the gold bearing structures that occur through the full width of Mt Remarkable within Exploration License EL8118.

The zone of interest has a historical mine production grade of over 30 g/t gold, with production ceasing in 1941. Modern geophysical interpretation will provide the basis for upgrading the current JORC 2012 (inferred + exploration target) of 571,000 ounces of gold, to over one million ounces.

The work program consists of the following:

DGPR Specifications

- Tx power (10 & 20kW)

- 200m, 100m and/or 50m depth penetration (will test all to determine best resolution in the area of interest)

- 3µs pulse width

- 50 Hz stacks

- 1-4 sec sample time (nominal 1m shot spacing)

- 512 channels

- No velocity corrections. Initial depths accurate to +-15%.

- Waypoints along profiles


- All raw data.

- DGPR Profiles as .BMP images for all profiles with line start and end coordinates annotated.

- Interpretation of all anomalies

- Report including logistics, instrument specifications, methodology, list of anomalies and locations

- All data exported as shot collars, shot deviation and data in ASCII CSV file formats

- List of waypoints in ASCII, ERMapper ERV and Google KML.

- All data projected to MGA Zone 55

- Readable digital data that contractors can use; GIS based using the GDA_1994_MGA_Zone_55 coordinate system.

The DGPR program concludes on the 30 July 2017 and data will be announced following analysis shortly after.

About Revolution Metals Ltd

Revolution Metals

Revolution Metals Ltd is an Australian public company and developer of mineral resources. The focus of the company is to develop mineral assets of economic grade to production, providing investors with rapid return on investment. Revolution's current tenement holding comprises 40 square kilometres of mineralized gold, silver, nickel, cobalt and lead bearing structures in northern New South Wales, Australia.

The primary gold bearing ironstone and quartz deposits of Mt Remarkable, Pine Creek and Alice Cornwall, are part of a field of numerous reefs and historical artisanal workings with over sixty identified as producing gold over a century ago. 

About Ultramag Geophysics

Ultramag GeophysicsUltramag Geophysics has over 30 years experience customising solutions to meet our clients' specific needs. This coupled with our robust research and development department makes us world leaders in our field. We service over 500 clients across a number of industries including the resource sector. 


Revolution Metals Ltd
Tim Mckinnon
T: +61-2-8205-7339

Philip McClelland
Ultramag Geophysics P/L
M: +61-412-525-572
T: +61-2-4948-8100

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