View in Other Languages 优品保集团有限公司(YPB:AU)完成收购消费者参与公司 nTouch YPB Group Ltd (ASX:YPB) Acquisition of Consumer Engagement Company nTouch Finalised 優品保集團有限公司(YPB:AU)完成收購消費者參與公司nTouch 
Acquisition of Consumer Engagement Company nTouch Finalised
Acquisition of Consumer Engagement Company nTouch Finalised

Sydney, Oct 26, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Anti-counterfeiting technology company YPB Group Limited (googlechartASX:YPB) has signed a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement to acquire all the issued shares of proximity marketing technology company nTouch Holdings Pty Ltd ("nTouch"). The closing date of the transaction is 30 October 2015.


- YPB completes acquisition of proximity marketing & B2C engagement technology company

- Excellent product and path to revenue synergies adding to YPB's CONNECT strategy

- nTouch to provide additional distribution channels within Australia, India & USA

- $4.5 million all scrip acquisition

Under the all scrip acquisition nTouch vendors will be issued $4.5 million in fully paid ordinary shares of YPB at $0.35 per share. Of the 12,857,143 shares issued 7,728,937 will be subject to voluntary escrow for 12 months and 5,128,206 subject to voluntary escrow for 18 months.

nTouch has a unique marketing platform that leverages proximity technologies to allow business clients to engage with customers (B2C) based on time, location, product packaging and specific user characteristics. It has launched a fully tested platform encompassing near field communication (NFC), Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons, image recognition and Wi-Fi technology offerings that integrate with YPB's customer engagement (CONNECT) strategy around product authenticity.

A custom-built data analytics engine that aggregates continually evolving data from multiple sources backs nTouch's technology. Its platform has been built to integrate across international borders and the company has established high quality distribution channels with access to clients across Australia, India, USA and the Middle East.

nTouch founders Simon Szewach (CEO) and Dr Isaac Balbin (CTO) will join YPB's senior team and will be based in Melbourne.

"With the potential technological synergies we will be offering a world first integration of proximity based marketing and anti-counterfeit protection for brands and companies. nTouch, coupled with YPB's' existing Brand Reporter software creates a very powerful consumer engagement platform that significantly enhances YPB's PROTECT - DETECT - CONNECT anti counterfeit solutions," said Mr Szewach.

"There are immediately enhanced revenue opportunities for the Group and global applications for the technology. nTouch's technology takes advantage of the burgeoning global growth in smartphone adoption with 2.9 billion handsets anticipated by 2018 and global mobile payment transactions set to reach $617 billion in 2016."

The nTouch acquisition gives YPB the opportunity to control the end-to-end client lifecycle by capturing core customer analytics and profiling driven by anti counterfeit protection. There are immediate potential applications in products using nTouch's proximity marketing technology for YPB's patented anti-counterfeit tracer and scanner. YPB is the first company of its kind to synergise anti-counterfeit technology with advanced customer engagement and analytics. YPB clients will now be in a position to protect their brands, understand who and where their customers are, and effectively and efficiently CONNECT with them in real time.

"We have positioned YPB as a global leader in anti-counterfeit solutions offering the first end-to-end brand protection through synergising our PROTECT (B2B), DETECT and CONNECT (B2C) model, and this acquisition is another milestone in that direction," said YPB CEO and Executive Chairman John Houston.

"The addition of nTouch's offering will allow YPB to deliver our vision to CONNECT consumers to brands and set YPB apart not only in anti-counterfeit, but also in the realm of consumer engagement. We are extremely confident that nTouch will deliver strong revenues and a huge B2C upside opportunity for YPB's investors."

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