ABN Newswire Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

View in Other Languages تعلن شركة ABN Newswire عن خدمة جديدة لنشر وتوزيع بيانات صحفية باللغة الروسية للشركات المساهمة العامة التي تبحث عن مستثمرين. ABN Newswire Mengumumkan Penerbitan dan Distribusi Press Release Berbahasa Rusia yang Baru bagi Perusahaan Publik dalam mencari Investor ABN Newswire anuncia su nuevo servicio de publicación y distribución de boletines de prensa en idioma Ruso, dirigido a empresas públicas en busca de inversionistas internacionales ABN Newswire ประกาศข่าวประชาสัมพันธ์และเผยแพร่ใหม่เป็นภาษารัสเซียให้แก่บริษัทมหาชนที่กำลังมองหานักลงทุน ABN Newswire gibt neue Veröffentlichungen russischsprachiger Pressemitteilungen für Aktiengesellschaften bekannt, die Investoren suchen Лента бизнес-новостей азиатского региона ABN Newswire объявляет о запуске новой службы по публикации и распространению пресс релизов на русском языке для публичных компаний, заинтересованных в привлечении инвесторов. ABN Newswire为上市公司推出俄语新闻发布服务 ABN Newswire Anuncia Nova Publicação e Distribuição de Comunicados de Imprensa em russo para Empresas Públicas Buscando Investidores ABN ニュースワイヤ (ABN Newswire) がロシア語プレスリリースの発行・配信を発表、投資家を求める企業を支援 ABN Newswire為上市公司推出俄語新聞發布服務 ABN Newswire Announces New Russian Press Release Publishing and Distribution for Public Companies Seeking Investors 
New Russian Press Release Publishing Partnerships
New Russian Press Release Publishing Partnerships

Sydney, Oct 1, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Asia Business News (ABN Newswire) today announces an expansion of its media publishing capability in the Russian language, focusing on serving the Minerals, Energy, Biotechnology and Financial industry sectors with new publishing and distribution capability.

ABN Newswire (www.abnnewswire.net) publishes daily in up to 13 languages and is conveniently headquartered in Sydney, Australia where timezone puts important corporate news to the financial markets at the start of the global trading day.

Organisations wishing to communicate directly with a professional finance audience can use ABN Newswire to reach investors through Asia in the native language of the reader. Conversely, Asian based corporations can broadcast important company information across the western language set ABN Newswire provides.

Readers can view the multiple translations simultaneously with links available within each press release or corporate media. In addition the releases are carried on premier financial platforms such as Bloomberg and Dow Jones Factiva in multiple languages, as well as being widely distributed on the Internet to selected high profile publishers in many formats including Video and Multimedia.

"We have seen a real change in the requirements of Corporations wishing to reach investors in their local languages. Our accredited translators put information in context, making it relevant for investors, shareholders and research analysts." said Tim Mckinnon, ABN Newswire's Chief Executive Officer.

ABN Newswire publishes and distributes corporate and financial news in Russian, English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, German, Indonesian, French, Thai and Portuguese on behalf of publicly listed companies throughout the world, and continues to develop highly qualified publishing destinations globally.

About ABN Newswire

ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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