ABN Newswire Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

View in Other Languages شركة ABN Newswire تسعى لجذب مستثمرين من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأوروبا لضخ رؤوس أموال في مشاريع للتنقيب عن المعادن ومشاريع للطاقة ABN Newswire en busca de Fondos de Renta Variable y Fondos de Inversión Estadounidenses y Europeos que inyecten capital directo a Proyectos de Recursos y Energía ABN Newswire recherche des capitaux propres auprès de fonds d'investissements américains et européens afin d'investir directement dans des projets en ressources naturelles et énergétiques ABN Newswire sucht Kapital- und Anlagefonds in Europa und den USA für direkte Kapitalspritzen in Bodenschatz- und Energieprojekte ABN Newswire은 자원 및 에너지 프로젝트에 자본을 직접 투자할 미국 및 유럽의 주식, 투자 펀드 물색 ABN Newswire แสวงหากองทุนส่วนของสหรัฐและยุโรปและการลงทุนสำหรับทรัพยากรและโครงการพลังงานโดยตรง ABN ニュースワイヤ (ABN Newswire) が資源・エネルギープロジェクトへ直接資本注入する欧米の株式・投資ファンドを募集中 ABN Newswire(亚洲财经新闻)寻求欧美股权基金和投资基金,直接资本注入资源和能源项目 ABN Newswire(亞洲財經新聞)尋求歐美股權基金和投資基金,直接資本注入資源和能源項目 ABN Newswire Seeks US and European Equity and Investment Funds for Direct Capital Injection into Resources and Energy Projects 
ABN Newswire Seeks US and European Equity and Investment Funds for Direct Capital Injection into Resources and Energy Projects
ABN Newswire Seeks US and European Equity and Investment Funds for Direct Capital Injection into Resources and Energy Projects

Sydney, Sep 10, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - In conjunction with ABN Newswire's Corporate IR Services profile (ABN-IR), ABN Newswire has developed an integrated network of investment opportunities, and the platform to connect investment capital with Asian investment opportunities for the purposes of assisting the development of these opportunities, and by working with the management of public companies to introduce potential Investors and Joint Venture partners.

ABN Newswire is seeking expressions of interest from Institutional, sophisticated and professional investors, both domestic and international, with an interest in investment in minerals, energy and resources based companies.

ABN-IR is an initiative of ABN Newswire to provide connections between investment opportunities and funding capital, and to introduce pre-qualified Investors and Investment Funds, with a view to participate by way of direct equity investment in the Company, or joint venture funding in the Company's projects.

About ABN Newswire

ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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