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View in Other Languages شركة ABN Newswire تطلق خدمة ويبكاست لتغطية الإجتماعات السنوية العامة AGM للشركات المساهمة ABN Newswire lanza Servicio de Transmisión Simultánea del Consejo Directivo Anual para compañías que cotizan en las principales bolsas de valores ABN Newswire führt Webcasting-Service für JHVs (Jahreshauptversammlungen) von Aktiengesellschaften ein ABN Newswire 상장기업 대상 AGM(연차총회) 웹캐스트 서비스  개시 ABN Newswire lance AGM (Annual General Meeting) un service de webdiffusion pour sociétés cotées en bourse ABN Newswire เปิดตัวประชุม (ประชุมสามัญประจำปี) บริการเว็บคาสติ้งสำหรับบริษัทมหาชน ABN ニュースワイヤが上場企業向けの AGM (年次総会) ウェブ放送サービスを開始 ABN Newswire为上市公司提供股东大会网络视频服务 ABN Newswire為上市公司提供股東大會網絡視頻服務 ABN Newswire Launches AGM (Annual General Meeting) Webcasting Service for Public Companies 
ABN Newswire Launches AGM (Annual General Meeting) Webcasting Service for Public Companies
ABN Newswire Launches AGM (Annual General Meeting) Webcasting Service for Public Companies

Sydney, July 27, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - ABN Newswire Launches AGM (Annual General Meeting) Webcasting Service for Public Companies in conjunction with Investorium.tv, the most advanced corporate and financial presentation platform in Asia.

"The company has invested in state of the art digital production systems, and our partnerships with venues now enables us to transport our equipment to any venue, where we can broadcast live onto the Internet, archive to DVD for shareholders, and distribute both video and text through the financial news networks of the world via our distribution and publishing arm" said Tim Mckinnon, CEO of Asia Business News.

Asia Business News recently launched Investorium.tv where public companies get access to a live audience of high net worth investors, as well as professionals in equity investment and the capital markets.

In addition to broadcasting in English, Asian language translation and dubbing is also provided in order for Asian investors to hear presentations in their own languages, increasing the value of the company to a wider range of investors, offtake customers and potential business partners.

"We see this as the next logical step in further increasing the value of Asian mineral, energy, biotech, communications, finance and other industries to a much broader investor base. We are undervalued in Asia across a range of industries, and it is time the traditional financial markets took more notice of the emerging wealth in Asia."

To view ABN Newswire's webcasting platform, go to:

About ABN Newswire

ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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About Investorium.tv

Investorium.tv is a Video Streaming and Live Financial Industry Event featuring CEOs of Public Companies held at Premier Venues in New York, Vancouver and Sydney. Investorium.tv records and video streams the events on "state of the art" digital recording and webcasting equipment, making high definition broadcast quality productions available to Members and the professional investment community.



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