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View in Other Languages شركة ADVFN plc LON:AFN تعقد شراكة مع ABN Newswire لتزويدها بالأخبار المالية المتعددة اللغات. ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) s'associe à ABN Newswire pour fournir des nouvelles boursières multilingues ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) se asocia con ABN Newswire a fin de publicar noticias bursátiles en múltiples idiomas ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) Beemitra dengan ABN Newswire untuk Berita Ekuitas Multi Bahasa ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) geht Partnerschaft mit ABN Newswire für mehrsprachige Nachrichten vom Aktienmarkt ein ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) em Parceria com ABN Newswire para Oferecer Notícias do Mercado em Várias Línguas ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) ร่วมหุ้นกับ ABN Newswire ในการทำข่าวหุ้นหลายภาษา ADVFN plc (LON:AFN)与ABN Newswire联手提供多语言股票新闻 ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) が多言語株式ニュースについて ABN Newswire と提携 ADVFN plc (LON:AFN), ABN Newswire와의 파트너십 체결로 다국어 증시 뉴스 제공 ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) 與ABN Newswire聯手提供多語言股票新聞 ADVFN plc (LON:AFN) Partners with ABN Newswire for Multi-Language Equities News 
ADVFN Partners with ABN Newswire for Multi-Language Equities News
ADVFN Partners with ABN Newswire for Multi-Language Equities News

London, June 19, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - ADVFN plc (googlechartLON:AFN) and Multi-language financial news provider ABN Newswire, have entered into an agreement to provide Financial News to the ADVFN retail investment platform, allowing private investors access to equities news from across the Asian region and beyond.

ADVFN is one of the world's largest stocks and shares websites, offering the private investor FREE streaming prices from NASDAQ, NYSE, Dow Jones and many more indices from around the world.

Subscription Usage Data for ADVN:
- An estimated 125,000 unique users per week
- Over 30 million page impressions per month
- Bulletin board postings - 8,000 per day

ABN Newswire's multi-language provision of equities news allows the ADVFN financial systems to receive equities based news in English, Japanese, French, Portuguese and German, as well as other languages.

To visit ADVFN, go to:

About ABN Newswire

ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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