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View in Other Languages شركة ABN Newswire تعقد شراكة مع شركة Web Financial Group لتزويد مستخدميها بالأخبار المالية. ABN Newswire ร่วมหุ้นกับกลุ่มเว็บการเงินเพื่อให้บริการข่าวการเงินเพื่อสมาชิก WebFG ABN Newswire s'associe à Web Financial Group pour fournir des nouvelles financières aux abonnés de WebFG ABN Newswire Bermitra dengan Web Financial Group untuk Menyajikan Berita Keuangan bagi Para Pelanggan WebFG ABN Newswire, Web Financial Group과 파트너십 체결하고 금융 뉴스 제공하기로 ABN Newswire em Parceria com Web Financial Group para Oferecer Notícias Financeiras para Assinantes WebFG ABN Newswire concreta sociedad con Web Financial Group a fin de proveer Noticias Financieras a suscriptores de WebFG ABN Newswire geht Partnerschaft mit Web Financial Group ein, um Abonnenten von WebFG mit Finanznachrichten zu versorgen ABN Newswire和Web Financial Group携手为WebFG用户提供财经新闻 ABN Newswire が Web Financial Group との間で WebFG 加入者向け金融ニュースの供給に向け提携 ABN Newswire Partners with Web Financial Group to Provide Financial News to WebFG Subscribers ABN Newswire和Web Financial Group攜手為WebFG用戶提供財經新聞 
ABN Newswire Partners with Web Financial Group to Provide Financial News to WebFG Subscribers
ABN Newswire Partners with Web Financial Group to Provide Financial News to WebFG Subscribers

Sydney, June 19, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Web Financial Group (WebFG) and Multi-language financial news provider, ABN Newswire, Partner to Provide Financial News to the WebFG financial data platform.

Web Financial Group is the leading news and analysis agency for Spanish retail investors. The content is the core element of Web Financial Group's own financial information portal www.bolsamania.com but is also used by banks on their own websites and Intranets.

Web Financial Group has positioned as one of the top European leaders of the integration of market and financial data, "Front end" functionalities, information, analysis, and applications for financial community through its platform MFDS (Market & Financial Data Solution), a scalable and flexible multi-vendor and multi-asset Data Warehouse platform.

ABN Newswire's multi-language provision of equities news allows the WebFG financial systems to receive equities based news in Spanish, French and English, as well as other languages.

About ABN Newswire

ABN NewswireABN Newswire is a leading communications technology company, and electronically publishes and distributes corporate and financial video, news and information from publicly listed companies directly to investors and financial media outlets worldwide in multiple languages through a professional database network and financial news distribution platform.

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