View in Other Languages Asian Activities Report for May 3, 2011: A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB) Report 65% Resource Increase At Letlhakane Uranium Project In Botswana Reporte de las Finanzas en Asia, 3 de mayo de 2011: A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB) reporta incremento del 65% en recursos de Proyecto Uranio en Letlhakane, Botswana 2011年5月3日亚洲股市报告:A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB)博茨瓦纳Letlhakane 铀矿项目资源量提升65% 2011年5月3日亞洲股市報告:A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB)博茨瓦納Letlhakane 鈾礦項目資源量提升65% アジア市場活動レポート 2011年5月3日: A-Cap Resources Limited (ASX:ACB) がボツワナ Letlhakane ウランプロジェクトでの資源量 65% 増を報告 

Sydney, May 3, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - A-Cap Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ACB) reported a 65% resource increase at its Letlhakane Uranium Project in Botswana. The resource has increased from 158Mlbs to 261Mlbs, making it one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in the world. The Company will be committing considerable efforts to concluding its Bankable Feasibility Study early in 2012 and focusing on bringing this project into early production.

Australian gold producer Tanami Gold NL (googlechartASX:TAM) said today that ongoing exploration at both its Western and Central Tanami projects in the Northern Territory is continuing to yield outstanding results. The latest drilling returned significant high grade intersections and further demonstrated the project's potential. The Company's objective is to increase gold production to 200,000 ounces per annum.

Teranga Gold Corporation (googlechartASX:TGZ) said today that initial exploration results from the Gora Project, located 22km from the Company's Sabodala gold mine in Senegal has confirmed a high-grade gold deposit. With this new discovery, the Company believes that there is potential to expand the gold reserves at the Sabodala gold mine from the current 1.51 million ounces of gold to 2 to 3 million ounces of gold over the next 12 to 24 months.

Sultan Corporation Limited (googlechartASX:SSC) announced 9.2 million tonnes JORC compliant inferred resource of zinc, lead and copper at the MB Project in Montenegro. Upside potential remains at the MB Project to increase resource with further exploration drilling. The resource is close to the surface and suitable for an open cut operation. The Company will commence Bankable Feasibility Study shortly to fast track production.


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