View in Other Languages Reporte de las Finanzas en Asia, 2 de mayo de 2011: East Energy Resources (ASX:EER) anuncia los primeros Recursos Indicados (JORC) en Proyecto de Carbón Blackall Asian Activities Report for May 2, 2011: East Energy Resources (ASX:EER) Announce Maiden JORC Indicated Resource At Blackall Coal Project 2011年5月2日亚洲股市报告:East Energy Resources (ASX:EER)公布Blackall煤矿项目初始JORC指示资源量 2011년 5월 2일 아시아 지역 활동 보고서: Blackall 석탄 프로젝트와 관련, JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee) 첫 추정 석탄 매장량이 4억 6천 9백만 톤에 이른다고 East Energy Resources Limited (ASX:EER)가 보고 アジア市場活動レポート 2011年5月2日: East Energy Resources (ASX:EER) が Blackall 石炭プロジェクトの初回 JORC 推定資源量を発表 2011年5月2日亞洲股市報告:East Energy Resources (ASX:EER)公佈Blackall煤礦項目初始JORC指示資源量 
Asian Activities Report for May 2, 2011: East Energy Resources (ASX:EER) Announce Maiden JORC Indicated Resource At Blackall Coal Project
Asian Activities Report for May 2, 2011: East Energy Resources (ASX:EER) Announce Maiden JORC Indicated Resource At Blackall Coal Project

Sydney, May 2, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - East Energy Resources Limited (googlechartASX:EER) announced a maiden JORC Indicated Resource of 469 million tonnes of thermal coal at its Blackall Coal Project in Central Queensland. The total Inferred and Indicated Resource is now estimated at 749 million tonnes, which is calculated based on an exploration area of about 15% of the Blackall tenement area. Mineralisation extends into the northern area of the project, where drilling is ongoing to further expand the project's tonnage.

Oilex Limited (googlechartASX:OEX) advises that the La Rocca-1 well on the WA-388-P permit offshore Western Australia was spudded on 30 April 2011. The permit contains a portfolio of play types and seven prospects have been identified ranging in potential size from 0.3 to 2.8 trillion cubic feet of prospective gas resource. The La Rocca-1 well is the first exploration well drilled in the permit.

PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (googlechartASX:ATM) said today that its income during the first quarter 2011 jumps 71% over the same period of 2010 to 346.6 billion Rupiah. Antam's earnings per share was 36.39 Rupiah for the first quarter of 2011 compared to 21.20 Rupiah of the same period last year. The significant increase was due to increased sales volume of ferronickel and higher commodity prices. Antam's net cash position remained strong to support its growth projects.

Canadian biopharmaceutical company Bioniche Life Sciences Inc. (googlechartTSE:BNC) (googlechartASX:BNC) today officially opened its new Animal Health and Food Safety Vaccine Manufacturing Centre in Canada. This expansion provides Bioniche with the capability to produce a wide spectrum of vaccines, with fermentation capabilities of up to 5,000 litres and all downstream processing and supporting utilities.


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