View in Other Languages تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 12 نيسان/أبريل، 2011: شركة CBD Energy ASX:CBD سوف توقع على إتفاق شراكة مع شركة Tianwei Baobian SHA:600550 و شركة Datang Corp HKG:1798. Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 12 de Abril de 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) Deve Assinar Acordo de Joint Venture com Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) e Datang Corp (HKG:1798) Laporan Pasar Australia 12 April 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) Menandatangani Kesepakatan Kerjasama Dengan Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) Dan Datang Corp (HKG:1798) Rapport du marché australien en date du 12 avril 2011 : CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) sur le point de signer un contrat de joint venture avec Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) et Datang Corp (HKG:1798) รายงานตลาดออสเตรเลีย วันที่ 12 เมษายน 2011: บริษัท CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) ลงนามสัญญาการร่วมทุนกับ Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) และ  Datang Corp (HKG:1798) Australischer Marktbericht vom 12. April 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) wird Joint-Venture-Vertrag mit Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) und Datang Corp (HKG:1798) schließen Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 12 de abril de 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) por firmar Acuerdo de Sociedad Conjunta con Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) y Datang Corp (HKG:1798) 2011年4月12日澳洲股市:CBD Energy (ASX:CBD)将与天威保变(SHA:600550)和大唐集团 (HKG:1798)签订合资协议 2011년 4월12일 호주 시장보고서: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD), Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) 및 Datang Corp (HKG:1798)과 합작투자 계약 체결 Asian Activities Report for April 12, 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) To Sign Joint Venture Agreement With Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) And Datang Corp (HKG:1798) オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年4月12日: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) が Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) と Datang Corp (HKG:1798) との間でジョイントベンチャー契約を締結予定 2011年4月12日澳洲股市:CBD Energy (ASX:CBD)將與天威保變(SHA:600550)和大唐集團(HKG:1798)簽訂合資協議 
Asian Activities Report for April 12, 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) To Sign Joint Venture Agreement With Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) And Datang Corp (HKG:1798)
Asian Activities Report for April 12, 2011: CBD Energy (ASX:CBD) To Sign Joint Venture Agreement With Tianwei Baobian (SHA:600550) And Datang Corp (HKG:1798)

Sydney, April 12, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - CBD Energy Limited (googlechartASX:CBD) will sign final joint venture documents on 18th April in Sydney with Baoding Tianwei Baobian Electric Co Ltd (googlechartSHA:600550) and China Datang Corp Renewable Power Co Ltd (googlechartHKG:1798), two of China's largest renewable energy companies. The joint venture will develop A$6 billion renewable energy projects over eight years and become a significant participant in the Australian energy market.

Atomic Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ATQ) has entered into a joint venture agreement with Indochina Coal Pty Ltd to explore and develop coal properties in Laos. Laos has significant coking and thermal coal opportunities and is largely unexplored. The parties have compiled a significant database on coal occurrences, completed initial field work in prospective areas, and prioritised exploration opportunities.

Stonehenge Metals Limited (googlechartASX:SHE) announced assay results from the first six holes of the drilling program at its Gwesan Project in South Korea. Best results included 7m at 337ppm U3O8 and 8m at 10,198ppm V2O5. This significant discovery has been made in an area with no historical drilling records. Additional drilling is being planned to extend the discovery, further adding to the exploration potential of the Gwesan Project.

EMC Metals Corp. (googlechartTSE:EMC) has commenced environmental site work on the Nyngan Scandium Project in NSW, Australia, in support of a feasibility study planned for the project later this year. The results from the site work will also be included in the Nyngan Project's Environmental Impact Study which is required for approval of a mining permit for the project.


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