View in Other Languages 2011年1月7日澳洲股市:中国云南铜业澳大利亚有限公司(ASX:CYU)在昆士兰发现重大重稀土元素矿藏 Australian Market Report of January 7, 2011: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) Discovered Significant Heavy Rare Earth Element in Queensland Laporan Pasar Australia 7 Januari 2011: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) Menemukan Elemen Langka Bumi Berat yang Signifikan di Queensland Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 7 de enero de 2011: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) descubre significativo Elemento Pesado de Tierra Rara en Queensland 2011年1月7日澳洲股市:中國雲南銅業澳大利亞有限公司(ASX:CYU)在昆士蘭發現重大重稀土元素礦藏 2011년 1월7일 호주 시장보고서: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU), 퀸즐랜드에서 중희토류 원소 발견 オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年1月7日: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) がクイーンズランド州で大規模な重レアアース元素を発見 تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 7 كانون الثاني/يناير، 2011: اعلنت شركة China Yunnan Copper Australia ASX:CYU عن اكتشاف مهم للعناصر النادرة الثقيلة في كوينزلاند. 
Australian Market Report of January 7, 2011: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) Discovered Significant Heavy Rare Earth Element in Queensland
Australian Market Report of January 7, 2011: China Yunnan Copper Australia (ASX:CYU) Discovered Significant Heavy Rare Earth Element in Queensland

Sydney, Jan 7, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - China Yunnan Copper Australia Limited (googlechartASX:CYU) announced significant heavy rare earth element (HREE) discovery in northwest Queensland with joint venture partner Goldsearch Limited (googlechartASX:GSE). Results from drilling on its Mount Dorothy copper and cobalt prospect include 16m at 1249 ppm total HREE-Yttrium, 36m at 1.54% Cu and 198ppm Co, and 35m at 1.52% copper and 397ppm cobalt. The discovery of Yttrium suggests Mt Dorothy is an important new rare earth element prospect.

Carnarvon Petroleum Limited (googlechartASX:CVN) today updated on the oil drilling operations (Carnarvon 40%) in the Phetchabun Basin onshore Thailand. Three wells drilled in late 2010 were tested over the past month and two of these wells will be completed. A significant production well, WBExt-1C, was producing stable oil at 3,400 bopd until 5 January and net production to Carnarvon is 1,900 bopd. Near term production increases are anticipated from the testing of the recently completed wells.

Brighton Mining Group Limited (googlechartASX:BTN) is to commence drilling next week at the Antrong Project in Cambodia. This program will run for approximately 4-5 weeks. The Company has had very exciting and encouraging results from rockchips collected from the Antrong Prospect which include grades as high as 280 g/t gold, 815 g/t silver, 1.93 copper and greater than 25% zinc.

Ord River Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ORD) has completed drilling work on the Yuqida tenement at the Bauxite Project in Laos and continued to make excellent progress in field work for the feasibility study. In total 976 holes and 7,619 meters were drilled. Further non-drilling field work will be carried out for resource assessment and preparation of the feasibility report.


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