View in Other Languages Australian Market Report of October 25, 2010: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) To Define Drill Targets At Denison Rare Earth/Uranium Project In The Northern Territory 2010年10月25日澳洲股市:Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU)将圈定北领地Denison稀土/铀矿项目钻探靶区 Laporan Pasar Australia 25 Oktober 2010: Callbona Uranium (ASX:CUU) menentukan Target Pengeboran di Denison Rare Earth/Uranium Project di Northern Territory Mercado Australiano del 25 de octubre de 2010: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) Definirá Objetivos de Perforación en el Proyecto de Tierra Raras/Uranio en el Territorio del Norte オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年10月25日: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) は北部準州の Denison レアアース・ウランプロジェクトにおける掘削対象を確定予定 Australischer Marktbericht vom 25. Oktober 2010: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) definiert Bohrziele für das Dension Seltenerd/Uran Projekt im Northern Territory 2010년  10월25일 호주 시장보고서: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU), Denison 희토/우라늄 프로젝트(노던테리토리주) 시추 목표지 선정 착수 2010年10月25日澳洲股市:Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU)將圈定北領地Denison稀土/鈾礦項目鑽探靶區 تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 25 تشرين اول/اكتوبر، 2010: اعلنت شركة كاللابونا لليورانيوم Callabonna Uranium ASX:CUU انها سوف تحدد اهداف للتنقيب في مشروع دنيسون للعناصر النادرة واليورانيوم في مقاطعة شمالي استراليا 
Australian Market Report of October 25, 2010: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) To Define Drill Targets At Denison Rare Earth/Uranium Project In The Northern Territory
Australian Market Report of October 25, 2010: Callabonna Uranium (ASX:CUU) To Define Drill Targets At Denison Rare Earth/Uranium Project In The Northern Territory

Sydney, Oct 25, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Callabonna Uranium Limited (googlechartASX:CUU) will commence a soil survey to define drill targets at its Denison Rare Earth/Uranium Project in the Northern Territory. The project is located approximately 250 kilometres north west of Alice Springs, within the Arunta Inlier geological province and covers a total area of 422km2. The Arunta Inlier is considered to be highly prospective and largely underexplored terrain. Rare Earths mineralisation associated with uranium and phosphate rich rocks has been confirmed from recently conducted reconnaissance rock chip sampling.

Navigator Resources Limited (googlechartASX:NAV) has raised A$11 million in a placement to institutional and sophisticated investors. The funds will be used for the exploration at Bronzewing Gold Project in Western Australia aimed at increasing mine life to 10 years through the testing of high priority targets. The funds will also expedite the development of the Leonora Gold Project.

Centaurus Metals Limited (googlechartASX:CTM) has commenced to calculate a new JORC resource estimate and undertake beneficiation test work following a 1,000 metre in-fill diamond drilling program at its 100%-owned Itambé Iron Ore Project in south-east Brazil. Centaurus plans to deliver production of 3Mtpa of high-grade hematite (+63% Fe) to the local Brazilian steel industry by the end of 2013.

Shaw River Resources (googlechartASX:SRR) has discovered another discovery and more high-grade intersections at its Baramine Project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, another significant step towards its goal of establishing a major manganese resource in the region. The latest discovery at Area 5 returned a drilling intersection grading up to 45.8 per cent manganese while additional drilling at the Area 3 prospect returned grades of up to 27.7 per cent over 5m, further extending the extensive mineralised zone. The Baramine Project is 80km north-west of the world-class Woodie Woodie manganese mine.


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