ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: March 24, 2010
ABN Newswire Stocks to Watch: March 24, 2010

Sydney, Mar 24, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - iSOFT Group Limited (googlechartASX:ISF) Australia's largest listed health information technology company, said Tuesday that NHS Shared Business Services (NHS SBS) has extended its contract for iSOFT Business Solutions to host its Oracle finance and purchasing applications by an additional two years. This latest contract, worth GBP6 million (A$9.8 million), extends the original A$47.8 million agreement, signed in March 2008, to 2016. It expands the services offered and includes new HP hardware and infrastructure and a move to Oracle Release 12. The contract is for services only and excludes licenses.

AuDAX Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ADX) (googlechartPINK:ADXRF) said has signed a farm-in agreement with PharmAust Ltd (googlechartASX:PAA) for participation in exploration of AuDAX's two contiguous offshore Exploration Permits located offshore the island of Pantelleria southwest of Sicily in Italian waters and offshore northeast Tunisia. The company also signed a farm-in agreement with Bombora Energy Pty Ltd for participation in exploration of the Chorbane Permit onshore Tunisia. However, AuDax has stopped farm-in negotiations with DNO International ASA (OSL:DNO), Norway regarding the onshore Chorbane permit in Tunisia as the parties failed to agree on the terms.

Clean Global Energy Limited (googlechartASX:CGV) said that it has lodged an Exploration License Application with the Victorian government for a coal exploration area in Victoria's Gippsland coal basin. The area known as ELA5270 is approximately 900 square kilometers and contains numerous exploration and other wells. Initial indications from existing exploration of ELA5270 suggest that there may be areas within the ELA that may be suitable for Underground Coal Gasification.

Brickworks Limited (googlechartASX:BKW) announce its brick company Austral Bricks(TM) Tuesday unveiled a 100 square metre tribute to US President, Barack Obama, at Horsley Park on the M7, despite the postponement of his visit. The wall will be still in place in June, the next scheduled date of the president's much anticipated visit.


Michelle Liang
Asia Business News Asia Bureau
Tel: +61-2-9247-4344
Email: michelle.liang@abnnewswire.net

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