Fufeng Group Ltd (HKG:0546) Glutamic Acid and MSG Industry
Hong Kong, Jan 21, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - The previous analysis in different dimensions including degree of production concentration, strength of industry barrier and the business model lead a conclusion that there are now clearly recognisable tiers in China's glutamic acid & MSG industry. Fufeng stands out of its peers.
In the previous two reports, we have analysed the performances of Fufeng and others after the cycle of consolidation. As we expected, increased production concentration has brought a golden era in 2009 to leading enterprises such as Fufeng and they Enjoyed a continued strong growth in both revenue and gross profit.
We have analysed the costs of the industry and do not foresee unfavorable changes in this area in the next half year. Although more companies are expected to enter into this sector during the recovery period, the implementation of smoke gas treatment standards will lead to another round of industry consolidation. However, enterprises such as Fufeng are already prepared for this round of policy-oriented consolidation.
Our study on the development history of global glutamic acid & MSG industry shows the current industry development has the following: export-oriented international market development; market-oriented end Blue Ocean; and technology-oriented industry extension. Fortunately we have continued to observe that China's leading enterprises in the industry are moving towards these directions.
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About Fufeng Group Limited
Fufeng Group (
HKG:0546) is the world's largest producer of MSG, xanthan gum and a major supplier for a series of bio-fermentation products. The main products of the Group are food additives, animal nutrition, colloid and high-end amino acids. In fiscal 2016, Fufeng generated sales of approximately RMB11.2 billion and profit attributable to shareholders of about RMB1.09 billion. For more information, please visit our website www.fufeng-group.com
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