View in Other Languages Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) 延长异常区B矿化走向长度槽探并计划进行重要的激发极化法地球物理勘察 Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) 延長異常區B礦化走向長度槽探併計劃進行重要的激發極化法地球物理勘察 Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) Trenching Extends The Strike Length Of Anomaly B Mineralisation And Major Induced Polarisation Geophysical Survey Planned 
Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) Trenching Extends The Strike Length Of Anomaly B Mineralisation And Major Induced Polarisation Geophysical Survey Planned
Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) Trenching Extends The Strike Length Of Anomaly B Mineralisation And Major Induced Polarisation Geophysical Survey Planned

Perth, Nov 23, 2009 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Victory West Moly Limited (ASX:VWM) is pleased to announce the latest results of ongoing trenching at Anomaly B, as well as details of the upcoming 3-dimensional Induced Polarisation (IP) geophysical survey to be conducted over the Anomaly B prospect area.

Anomaly B is located within the PT Inti Cemerlang concession, part of five concessions forming the VWM's Malala Molybdenum Project, Sulawesi, Indonesia.


The latest assay results from ongoing contour trenching at Anomaly B show the molybdenum-in-bedrock anomaly to extend over 1.2km in continuous strike length. Trenches are spaced at 50m contour intervals and have been excavated by hand to expose bedrock which has been continuously sampled using 5 metre composite samples. Trenching to date has focussed on the north western side of Angkadoat Creek, where the trenches have returned broad continuous zones of anomalous molybdenum. Three lines have now been excavated on the south eastern side of Angkadoat Creek, with the majority of assay results still awaited. Trenching is expected to continue in this area, particularly the extension of the 750RL-C trench, with the aim of defining a continuous molybdenum-in-bedrock anomaly stretching over 2km in length and up to 350m wide.

Induced Polarisation (IP) Survey

A 3-dimensional DODD IP survey has been planned over the Anomaly B prospect area and is due to begin by the end of 2009. A reputable geophysical contractor with extensive experience in southeast Asia has been engaged to perform the survey, expected to take up to 60 days. Establishment of the survey grid is well advanced, with approximately half of the grid lines cut to date.

The IP survey will be undertaken over an area of 3.2km x 2.6km and provide high resolution geophysical data down to approximately 400m vertical depth. The survey has been designed to cover the main zone of molybdenum mineralisation defined by soil and bedrock geochemistry at Anomaly B. It is expected this survey will generate high-quality targets which will be tested by diamond drilling during 2010.


Victory West Moly Limited
Luke Martino
Company Secretary
TEL: +61-8-9381-5819
FAX: +61-8-9388-3701

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