Terrain Minerals Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Dodgers Well Project
Dodgers Well Project

Perth, Mar 18, 2009 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Terrain Minerals Limited (ASX:TMX) has signed an Option to Purchase Agreement to acquire P37/6950 which covers the majority of Dodgers Well Mining Centre.

Additional tenements have been applied for to cover the balance of historic workings in the area.

Initial rock chip sampling located gold values up to 22.8g/t gold over a strike length of 1kms.

Further investigation of the Myrtle-Glen Lyon workings has identified epithermal breccias with gold values up to 92g/t gold.

Terrain Minerals Ltd (TMX) has entered into an Option to Purchase Agreement over P37/6950, covering the majority of the historic Dodgers Well mining centre. TMX can acquire 100% interest in the tenement through the payment of $50,000 in cash or shares by December 2009.

Additional ground (PLA37/7741 & 7742) has been applied for by TMX covering the balance of historic workings at Dodgers Well.

Dodger's Well is located 30 kms from TMX's major Bundarra gold project (JORC Resource 4.96mt @ 2.0g/t gold (321,000 oz). Both projects occur on the western margin of the Bundarra batholith.

Historic production from the Dodger's Well Mining Centre is 1,395t @ 44.5g/t gold (1,994 oz). The most productive mines were the Myrtle/Glen Lyon group which yielded 500t @ >60gt gold (i).

In recent years most work has been undertaken on the Sheffield/Junction/Champion line of workings and in the 1980s prospectors extracted 2,000t of ore from two small pits, at a calculated head grade of 11.8g/t gold (i).

The results of recent rock chip sampling by TMX along the Sheffield/Junction/Champion line located anomalous samples over a distance >1 km, including 21.8g/t gold, 19.1g/t gold, 4.8g/t gold and 3.94g/t gold.

There has been little recent work undertaken at the Myrtle/Glen Lyon group of workings, but processing of the spoil dumps, by prospectors, in the 1980s recovered 1,788g of gold from 300t of ore, a calculated head grade of 7.6g/t gold (i).

Initial rock chip sampling, at the Myrtle/Glen Lyon group of workings, by TMX revealed values up to 22.8g/t gold. The gold is associated with a zone of brecciation and detailed investigations of breccia samples have identified epithermal textures. The results of further sampling of the breccia zone included 92.0g/t gold and 37.8g/t gold.

The project has the potential to host high grade gold mineralisation and be developed with TMX's Bundarra project. More detailed mapping and sampling programs are planned ahead of drilling programs.

Further information regarding Terrain's projects and exploration programs can be found on the Company's website, www.terrainminerals.com.au

(i) WA Govt Open File Data

About Terrain Minerals Limited

Terrain Minerals LimitedTerrain Minerals Ltd (ASX:TMX) is a West Australian based minerals exploration company focused on the world class mineral provinces in Western Australia. Terrain is actively looking for opportunities within other states of Australia and internationally.

https://x.com/TerrainMinerals abnnewswire.com 


Mr. Keith Wells
Managing Director
Tel: +61-8-9481-2455
email: terrain@terrainminerals.com.au

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